CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research
E-Recruitment Tool


The Back Office is only accessible from within CERN and used by Divisional users (committee member, staff position owner, reviewer) and Human Resource users.

This interface is web based and compatible with the ais login.

Divisional users have the following possibilities within the Back Office interface:

  • to use the folder system,
  • to search for specific application forms or CV using the free text search,
  • to use multiple CERN specific reports
  • to share comments with other reviewers,
  • to share folders with other users etc...

Human Resource users also use the Back Office for the following:

  • to create, share folders,add or remove candidates from folders,
  • to add comments in a folders' candidate
  • to publish posts,
  • to make bulk updates on candidates,
  • to communicate with the candidates.