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HRT Access Grid

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HRT Roles

Each person having access to HRT has one or more of the following standard HRT roles:

Role Description
HRTACC_FULL Full access to all parts of HRT (with the exception of HRT-PIE and SMT).
SMTACC_STANDARD Standard access to all parts of SMT that require no SMT administrator access.
HRTACC_STANDARD Full access to all the public data and reports that are not otherwise protected.
HRTACC_ABSENCE Gives access to any kind of absence information (leaves, illnesses etc.).
HRTACC_ACCESS Allows viewing guard/access related reports.
HRTACC_CAREER Gives access to career data (salary positions, career history, MARS, skills etc.).
HRTACC_CONFIDENTIAL Allows accessing highly confidential data like e.g. the bank account number.
HRTACC_CONTRACT Allows viewing all basic contract related data.
HRTACC_COSTING Gives access to costing related information (e.g. PPA reports).
HRTACC_FAS Access to the FAS reports (Fellows/Students/Associates) which are maintained by HR.
HRTACC_INDUS_SUPPORT Access to data concerning external persons (employed by contractors) working at CERN.
HRTACC_MEDICAL Access to specifically restricted medically relevant data.
HRTACC_PRIVATE Access to private data, like home addresses and phone numbers, emergency contacts etc.
HRTACC_TRAINING Access to training related information (training reports, MARS training objectives etc.).

In addition to the roles listed in the above table, special roles that are reserved for administrators exist:

Admin Role Description
HRTACC_DEVELOPER Standard developer access to all parts of HRT and SMT.
HRTACC_ADMIN Administration of access for HRT (using the AIS roles application).
SMTACC_ADMIN Administration of access for SMT (using the AIS roles application).
MDL_ADMIN Special role allowing to use the MDL Excel upload utility and giving right to use MDL tables in IC.
MDL_STANDARD Standard read-only access to MDL data in HRT IC.

Standard Role Combinations

The following matrix shows the standard role combinations that can be selected when an exceptional HRT access is required. A role combination is a convenience role that comprises several roles which are typically required in combination for a specific function/responsibility at CERN. If one of the following roles is granted to an individual, the individuals automatically get the roles shown on the Y axis (on top) of the following graphic:

Standard Role Combinations

HRT roles granted due to official CERN roles

Each HRT user receives certain roles automatically based upon his official role(s) he may occupy at CERN. The following matrix shows how official functions are mapped to HRT specific roles:

Nightly Roles Extractions


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