- The divisional request module is dedicated to the storage of all datas related
to divisional requests. It provides, for a divisional request, general information
(references, dates, amount) and detailed data about organization units, managers,
allocation on CGRs, goods/services.
- Of course, as for other databases the
quality of the information depends on what has been entered in the different fields.
It is therefore necessary to provide precise and accurate information.
- The
first page of the module is on the screen by clicking on '' Divisional Request
'' in the CFU main menu. There, one can choose to:
-1 Retrieve information about one or several divisional
Create a new divisional request
Retrieving divisional request information
Here is the start-up page
- Fill the proposed fields (wild card % can be used
excepted if the proposed field requires dates). More precise are the datas entered
quicker is the divisional request retrieved.
If nothing is entered and the
' Find ' button is pressed, all divisional requests in the database will
be retrieved.
Divisional Reference: | Using this field gives the shortest way to the information.
Enter the complete divisional request name or number. If not known, type for instance xx% : all the divisional request with a reference starting with xx will be retrieved. |
Short Description: | Give a short description of the divisional request to be retreived |
Long Description: | Enter words contained in
the divisional request short description. Wild card % is mandatory here.
In a big database, using this option gives bad response times. |
Needed From........... to............ | Enter the dates scheduled for delivery |
Market Survey needed: | Indicate if the divisional request needs a market survey. |
Planned date for Market Survey | Enter the period in which Market Survey dispatch is scheduled |
Planned date for IT/PE | Enter the period in which ITor PE dispatch is scheduled |
Created On: | Use it to get Divisional requests by selecting the date of the request creation. If not precisely known, insert two approximate dates to retrieve divisional requests created on the period defined by the two dates.(DD/MM/YYYY) |
Created By: | Enter here the name of the person who created the Divisional request. |
Last Modified On: | The same as in ' created on ' but using last modifications dates. (DD/MM/YYYY) |
Last Modified By: | The same as ' created by ' but using the name of the last person who has modified the market survey. (DD/MM/YYYY) |
- If a false criterion is used, press the ' Clear ' button will give a new search page. Caution, using the ' Clear ' button gives a cleaned screen. Other criteria, even relevant are lost.
Creation of a divisional request
Divisional request heading page
- Click on ' Create a new Divisional Request
' either on the top of the start-up page or on the links available during the
data collection.
- Fill completely the new page to get access to the Divisional
Request area.
Divisional Reference: | Enter the divisional request reference. The number (nnnnn) will be automatically given by the machine |
Long Description: | Enter the long description of the divisional request. 60 digits are the maximum allowed in this field |
Short Description: | Give a keyword description based of the divisional request. 30 digits |
Date Raised: | Indicate the date raised of the divisional request. default is the creation date |
Estimated Amount : | Indicate the divisional request amount in CHF. Characters like . or , are prohibited. (i.e, if the amount is 1'500'000 CHF , type 1500000). |
Needed from: | Indicate here when you expect the delivery (starting date of the period) |
Needed To: | Indicate here the limit date for the delivery |
Specific Conditions or Qualification criteria: | Here is the description of the specifc conditions and qualifications criteria which will be used in the future purchase procedure (1000 digits). If the use of special characters is needed, see the list in the help introduction. |
Options: | Describe here the options attached to the goods to be purchased (1000 digits). If the use of special characters is needed, see the list in the help introduction. |
Options needed From: | Indicate here when you expect the delivery of the options (starting date of the period) |
Options needed Until: | Indicate here the limit date for the delivery of the options |
Estimated amount for Options: | Indicate the options amount in CHF |
Market Survey needed: | Indicate if the divisional request needs a market survey. |
If not needed, give reason: | If not, indicate why a market survey is unecessary. |
Planned date for Market Survey: | Enter here when the Market Survey has to be dispatched |
Planned date for IT/PE: | Enter here when the future IT or PE has to be dispatched |
Details: | Free text is allowed here to give a complete description of the current operation or to put some personal notes. (2000 digits). If the use of special characters is needed, see the list in the help introduction. |
- A page is displayed
with the mention success in green letters. This
means that the record has been
successfully inserted in the database. Go to the
next steps to enter data related to the divisional request being
registered. If a new divisional request needs to be entered, press the ' Back
' button of the browseras many
times as needed to go back to the divisional request page and start a newentry.
- A page with an error message is displayed.
Press the ' Back ' button of the browser and find the wrong
information you entered. Correct it and press the ' Insert ' button again.
- Click on ' Add Validations ' either on the top of the start-up page or on the links available during the data collection. Here are described the different validatiwhich are needed before a DR may be processed any further, into a Market Survey or an Invitation to Tender/Price Enquiry. The validations required are:
Only PPOs, DPOs and SPL Division may enter this information.
Validation Code: | The relevant data can be retrieved by clicking on the ''...''
at the end of the field. |
Comments: | Comments on the validation can be added |
- A
page with an error message is displayed. Press the ' Back '
button of the browser and find the wrong
information you entered. Correct it and press the ' Insert ' button again.
Division, Group, Project or Teams
- Click on ' Add new Divisions, Groups,
Project or Teams record ' either on the top of the start-up page or on the
links available during the data collection. Entering data in this page is very
important. Organic roles for the purchase procedure are inherited from the data
entered in this page.
Code: | The data needed is the code of the Division, or
Division-group, or Division-group-section.....Project, Teams that will be concerned by the divisional request. The relevant data can be retrieved by clicking on the ''...'' at the end of the field. As many codes as needed by the purchase procedure have to be entered. |
- A
page is displayed with the mention success in green letters.
This means that the record has been
successfully inserted in the database. Go to the next steps to enter data related
to the divisional request being
registered. If a new ''Organization unit'' needs to be entered, press the
' Back ' button of the browser
as many times as needed to go back to the Organization unit page and start
a new entry.
- A
page with an error message is displayed. Press the ' Back '
button of the browser and find the wrong
information you entered. Correct it and press the ' Insert ' button again.
Specific Roles
- Click on ' Roles ' either
on the top of the start-up page or on the links available during the data collection.
Type: | Manager
types are strictly defined by the roles played by people in the CFU. No other type can be entered. Click on the right side of the field, to highlight the relevant types and click on the selected one. |
Lastname, Firstname and Cernid: | Only people registered in the CERN personnel database can be chosen. By clicking on the ''...'' the right data can be found. |
Start Date: | It is the start date of the responsibility given
to the manager. It can be the opening date of the divisional request. It can be later if people are added after the starting date of the divisional request. |
End Date: | It is the end date of the responsibility given to the manager. |
- A page is displayed with
the mention success in green letters. This means that the record has
successfully inserted in the database. Go to
the next steps to enter data related to the divisional request being
registered. If a new ''Manager'' needs to be entered, press the '
Back' button of the browser as many
as needed to go back to the Managers page and start a new entry.
- A page with an error message is displayed.
Press the ' Back ' button of the browser and find the wrong
information you entered. Correct it and press the ' Insert ' button again.
Organic Roles
Nothing can be entered in this page. Organic roles are automatically retreived
by the application considering the Division, Groups, Project or Teams data. The
information is dynamically retreived at each time the purchased procedure is called
Allocations to CGRs
- Click on ' Add new Allocations to CGRs record '
either on the top of the start-up page or on the links available during the data
Percentage: | It's
the percentage of the provisional cost which will be charged to a CGR (cost centre). If more than one cost centre has to be charged, CFU checks that the total will not exceed 100%. Caution, no decimal numbers are allowed. |
CGR Code: | Only CGRs active in the CERN database can be entered.
By clicking on the ''...'' the right data can be found. |
- A page is displayed with
the mention success in green letters. This means that the record has
successfully inserted in the database. Go to
the next steps to enter data related to the market survey being registered.
If a new CGR needs to be entered, press the ' Back ' button of the browser
as many times as needed to go
back to the CGR page
and start a new entry.
A page with an error message is displayed. Press the ' Back
' button of the browser and find the wrong
you entered. Correct it and press the ' Insert ' button again.
Goods/Services Required
- Click on ' Add
new Goods/Services required record ' either on the top of the start-up page
or on the links available during the data collection.
Position: | Allows to range the articles purchased |
Article code: | Article code(s) related to the divisional request are to be
entered. Only article codes (SCEM codes) valid at CERN can be used. By clicking on the ''...'' the right data can be found. |
Details: | Free text is allowed to give a complete description of the current operation or to put some personal notes. |
- Press the ' Insert ' button. Results can appear in two ways:
- A
page is displayed with the mention success in green letters. This means
that the record has been
successfully inserted in
the database. Go to the next steps to enter data related to the divisional request
registered. If a new ''Goods/Services''
needs to be entered, press the ' Back ' button of the
browser as many times as needed to go back to the Goods/Services page and
start a new entry.
- A page
with an error message is displayed. Press the ' Back ' button
of the browser and find the wrong
information you
entered. Correct it and press the ' Insert ' button again.
Future Expenditure
- Click on ' Add new Future expenditure record
' either on the top of the start-up page or on the links available during the
data collection.
Description: | Here is the description of a delivery step for the Divisionnal request. |
Amount: | Here is the amount scheduled at the DR stage. This amount is in CHF |
Probable date: | Here is the probable date for the foreseen delivery. |
CGR: | Choose here the CGR within the active CGRs using the "..." mark. |
- A page is displayed with
the mention success in green letters. This means that the record has
successfully inserted in the database. Go to
the next steps to enter data related to the divisional request being
registered. If a new ''Manager'' needs to be entered, press the '
Back' button of the browser as many
as needed to go back to the Managers page and start a new entry.
- A page with an error message is displayed.
Press the ' Back ' button of the browser and find the wrong
information you entered. Correct it and press the ' Insert ' button again.
FC Announcements
By clicking on this option, the reference of the FC document and of the future Call for tender number is retreived for the DR
Data related to these informations are entered in the Advanced Information
Publication module.