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AIS Administrative Information Services |
Check below to see if any of these list of frequently asked questions match your requirements
To obtain an EDH account you can either contact the
Divisional Planning Officer (DPO) of your division or contact AIS Support
(tel. 79933). You must belong to a CERN division and have a valid CERN
Identification Number to obtain an EDH Account. EDH is available at the URL
can I sign an EDH document ? How can I change my Login password and my authorisation password ? To change your login password and/or authorisation password, choose the 'Settings' button from the EDH menu.
- Click on the link 'Login
password'. This will open up a window. Then click on the 'SUBMIT' button. 2)How to change your 'Authorization password' - Click on the link 'Authorization
password'. This will open up a window.
My icons are in French. How can I change them in English? Press the 'Settings' button
in the EDH menu and choose the folder 'Preferences'. Then select the preferred
language. How can I add some documents icons on my desktop? In EDH on the Menu, click on Settings, Customize Homepage then select the document by clicking in the little white square next to it, then press the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the document. How can I sign my document on Macintosh using Internet Explorer. It is strongly advised to user SAFARI on a Macintosh. I
never receive E-Mail notification for documents to sign Why doesn't my authorisation password work on Netscape (version 3) on UNIX? Due to rounding errors in Javascript on Netscape 3 on UNIX the MD5 encryption application doesn't work correctly. EDH doesn't (or no longer) works for me, why not? EDH and the systems used by EDH (Qualiac for DAIs, Baan for Material requests etc) only functions for :
Other people who have no valide official link with CERN are not able to use EDH. In all cases one should check in HRT looking for both :
Note. It is no use telling the user to change the 'AT CERN' flag. This flag is automatically generated by having a validated contract (e.g. valid external, or user passing by users office and completing the paperwork) Check in Personnel List in HRT status of person (ensure you click 'Not at CERN'). Example 1: EDH Works for the above person because they have AT-CERN = Y and valid external flag Example 2 Even though this person is a USER with valid contract dates, they have an AT CERN = NO. If AT CERN is N then EDH will not work. We can look in the contract history for more information Here we see the person was a PJAS and then given a TWO MONTH USER status. This is just a 'grace period' given by the users office. It is not REAL USER status. If the person is to become a REAL USER they should pass by the users office. If they have returned to their home country but still wish to use EDH they should see their experiment secretariat to register as an EXTERNAL. Example �3 This person is an EXMP with no valid contract with CERN. EDH should not work for them. They should request to become an EXTERNAL. Why is my TID waiting for somebody's signature despite of his/her absence being recorded in EDH? It is important to note that there is NO DELEGATION for the specifically named Client and Suppliers in a TID. If you specify that your TID must be approved by Mr X, then the TID will wait with Mr X indefinitely until he signs. This is because EDH cannot calculate which of Mr X's colleagues has the relevant "technical expertise" to validate the technical details of the Material or Services being purchased by TID. The technical signature is obligatory and cannot be delegated.
is my TID, which has a mixture of two different types of budget codes,
failing to transfer? My
TID Document has been stuck for a long period of time Why
can't I change the "Personnel Coordinator" via the electronic PAF document?
is my PAF document stuck with "Transfer to Foundation failed"? Who
can create PAF (Personal Action Form) documents? What is the
delay time for processing EDH documents once they have been fully authorised?
After I changed
department I cannot see anymore documents I created in the old
department How can I re-route
my document which went to a person who is on holidays and has no deputy?
long does my leave request stay with my supervisor for a signature if
he doesn't sign until it goes to his supervisor? I cannot get approval for the team Txxxxxx Unfortunately not all collaborating institutes accept the use of electronic signature. If you receive a message of the form "The team code Txxxxxx has not been 'certified' for use in EDH". then you should contact Nicole Grenier (EP division) to obtain a form to be signed by your institute stating that the team is willing to accept the electronic approval made by EDH. After you have had this form signed, you will be able to use the team code in EDH. Why can`t I create
Overtime documents more than six months old? I would like a document to be rerouted to someone else ? You should contact the ais support and provide them with the person's name to whom the document should be re-routed or else the DPO can do it. I think that the order of signatures is wrong. What can I do to change this? Please contact your DPO who will according change the priority of signatures defined with edhadmin. I have ordered some material but so far I have not received it or I received only a part of it. Please, contact the Stores tel :72265. I can not find the supplier I want in the EDH search field of my document. How can I do ? You need to contact the purchase office of your department; they will be able to enter a new supplier in the database. I can not find the building in the location field in EDH ? This means the building must ne entered in the database, to enter a new building, please contact Henri Masseboeuf. |
Last update:
Tuesday, 18-Mar-2008 11:36