<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <% ' ================================ ' AIS Debug variables ' ================================ Dim AISdebugSet AISdebugSet = "N" ' ===================================== ' Make sure to catch any database error ' ===================================== On Error Resume Next ' ================================ ' AISNews Recordset and variables ' ================================ Dim AISNews Dim AISNewsError Dim AISNewsIndex Set AISNews = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") AISNews.ActiveConnection = MM_Foundation_STRING AISNews.Source = "select M.msg_id,M.title,M.abstract,M.author,M.details,M.urgency,M.msg_date,M.expiry_date,M.app_name,A.name from navigator.app_messages M, navigator.sys_applications A where M.app_name = A.code and trunc(sysdate) between M.msg_date and M.expiry_date-1 order by msg_date desc" AISNews.CursorType = 0 AISNews.CursorLocation = 2 AISNews.LockType = 1 AISNews.Open() ' Check that DB connection and SQL run went fine If Err.Number <> 0 Then AISNewsError= Err.Description Else AISNewsError= "None" End If AISNewsIndex = 0 ' ================================ ' AISFocus Recordset and variables ' ================================ Dim AISFocus Dim AISFocusError Dim AISFocusIndex Dim AISFocusShownAlways Dim AISFocusToBeShown Dim AISFocusRequestedId Dim AISFocusContent Dim AISUpperLeftImage Dim AISUpperRightImage Dim AISNextFocusId Dim AISPreviousFocusId Set AISFocus = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") AISFocus.ActiveConnection = MM_AISweb_STRING AISFocus.Source = "SELECT id, title, text, upper_right_image, upper_left_image, date_from, date_to, always_shown FROM articles WHERE (articles.date_from<=Date() Or IsNull(articles.date_from)) And (articles.date_to>=Date() Or IsNull(articles.date_to)) ORDER BY articles.always_shown,articles.id;" AISFocus.CursorType = 0 AISFocus.CursorLocation = 2 AISFocus.LockType = 1 AISFocus.Open() ' Check that DB connection and SQL run went fine If Err.Number <> 0 Then AISFocusError= Err.Description Response.Write(""&AISFocusError&"") Else AISFocusError= "None" End If AISFocusRequestedId = Request.QueryString("focusid") ' ================================ ' AIS Procedures used in page ' ================================ sub getFocus() ' =========================================== ' GET FOCUS ' This procedure build the focus and store it ' in the AISFocusContent variable ' =========================================== If (AISFocus.EOF OR AISFocusError<> "None") Then Call AISdebug("Focus query returned NO records - maybe database connection error or no focus active") ' No focus found, maybe an error connecting the database or none is active... ' Display a default hardcoded focus item AISFocusContent= "" AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "

AIS: the unique entry point to all administrative computing at CERN

" AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "
" AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "The AIS website provides you with links, documentation, Frequently Asked Questions pages, Quick Reference Guides etc on all administrative applications and projects at CERN." AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "

" AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "Choose one of the menu items on the left. If you are not sure on which option to use, the shortcuts on the right may help you finding the good one." Else Call AISdebug("Focus query returned records") AISFocusToBeShown = 0 ' Check if a given focus has been past as parameter ' In that case search for that focus (supposing it is active and therefore in the query results) If (AISFocusRequestedId) <> "" Then Call AISdebug("Requested focus: " & AISFocusRequestedId) AISFocus.MoveFirst Do Until (AISFocus.EOF) If (Cstr(AISFocus.Fields.Item("id")) = AISFocusRequestedId) Then AISFocusToBeShown = 1 Call AISdebug("Requested focus found: " & AISFocus.Fields.Item("title")) Exit Do Else Call AISdebug("Current focus id = " & AISFocus.Fields.Item("id")& ". Check next.") AISFocus.MoveNext End if Loop If (AISFocus.EOF) Then Call AISdebug("Requested focus not found or not active") End if End if ' Check if there was no requested focus or it has not been found or it is not active If (AISFocusToBeShown = 0) Then Call AISdebug("Choose a focus randomly") AISFocus.MoveFirst ' Check if there are any "Always Shown" focus (should always be on first record) AISFocusShownAlways = AISFocus.Fields.Item("always_shown").Value Call AISdebug("Always shown focus exists = " & AISFocusShownAlways) ' Check how many focus may be displayed (taking into account existence of "always shown" ones) While (NOT AISFocus.EOF) If AISFocusShownAlways Then ' There is at least one "Always Shown" focus, count only those ones If AISFocus.Fields.Item("always_shown").Value Then AISFocusIndex = AISFocusIndex+1 End If Else ' There are no "Always Shown" focus, all are counted AISFocusIndex = AISFocusIndex+1 End If AISFocus.MoveNext Wend Call AISdebug("Number of potential focus found = " & AISFocusIndex) ' Now decides (random) which focus is to be shown Randomize AISFocusToBeShown = Int((AISFocusIndex*Rnd)+1) Call AISdebug("Chosen focus = " & AISFocusToBeShown & "/" & AISFocusIndex) ' Move back to the randomly chosen focus AISFocus.MoveFirst For i = 1 to AISFocusToBeShown-1 AISFocus.MoveNext Next End if ' Now we should be placed on the focus to be displayed ' Get the to be displayed focus id AISFocusToBeShownId = AISFocus.Fields.Item("id") Call AISdebug("Chosen focus id = " & AISFocusToBeShownId) ' Find out what is the next focus id AISFocus.MoveNext If AISFocus.EOF Then AISFocus.MoveFirst End if AISNextFocusId = AISFocus.Fields.Item("id") Call AISdebug("Next focus id = " & AISNextFocusId) ' Move back to shown focus and find out at the same time which is the previous focus id AISFocus.MoveFirst If (AISFocus.Fields.Item("id") = AISFocusToBeShownId) Then ' Chosen focus was the first one, the previous one is therefore the last one Call AISdebug("Chosen focus is the first one") Do Until (AISFocus.EOF) AISPreviousFocusId = AISFocus.Fields.Item("id") AISFocus.MoveNext Loop AISFocus.MoveFirst Else Do While (AISFocus.Fields.Item("id") <> AISFocusToBeShownId) AISPreviousFocusId = AISFocus.Fields.Item("id") Call AISdebug(" - Current focus id = " & AISFocus.Fields.Item("id")) AISFocus.MoveNext Loop End If Call AISdebug(" - Moved back to chosen focus") Call AISdebug("Previous focus id = " & AISPreviousFocusId) ' Display the focus Call AISdebug("Build focus") AISUpperLeftImage = AISFocus.Fields.Item("upper_left_image") AISUpperRightImage = AISFocus.Fields.Item("upper_right_image") AISFocusContent = "" If (Len(AISUpperLeftImage)>0) Then Call AISdebug(" - upper left image is #" & AISUpperLeftImage & "#") AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "" Else Call AISdebug(" - no upper left image") End if If (Len(AISUpperRightImage)>0) Then Call AISdebug(" - upper right image is #" & AISUpperRightImage & "#") AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "" Else Call AISdebug(" - no upper right image") End if AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "

" & AISFocus.Fields.Item("Title").Value & "

" AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "
" AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & AISFocus.Fields.Item("text") End If ' Checked if "any" focus was found end sub %> AIS

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List of know bugs and enhancement requests from CERN users

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Please send any bug, enhancement requests, comments to Richard Kovacs and François Briard but make sure there are not already registered in the table below.

Explanation on severity levels:

  • : MUST be addressed as soon as possible
  • : SHOULD be addressed if possible
  • : would be NICE TO HAVE but certainly not blocking
Id Category Date Reported by Description
Assigned To Status Remarks, Workaround
001 Bug 10-NOV E. Sbrissa Cannot return a "trusted" folder
Hireserve Solved Workaround: original owner who gave "Share - trusted" access can revoke this grant.
002 Enh. Req. 14-NOV R. Barillere
Would like to be able to save folder searches
F. Briard Registered Major enhancement request to be addressed to developer
003 Enh. Req. 14-NOV R. Barillere
Extra TSC search criteria on duration, earliest and latest availability dates.
Hireserve Registered Current limit of 5 parameters mearly reached (4 used for TSC). Demand raised to Hireserve to increase the number of parameters in a report.
004 Enh. Req. 14-NOV E. Mosselmans Get rid of the limitation to edit/delete comment to one level only
F. Briard Solved Potential solutino has been proposed to Hireserve. Positive feedback already received.
005 Enh. Req. 15-NOV P. Charpentier Avoid "ping-pong" between search results and folder to make comments
F. Briard Solved The comment link will directly open the "Comment" pop up window, leaving the SQL results on the screen.
006 Bug 14-NOV E. Mosselmans Comments made by trusted users are "attached" to the owner of the folder not the "original" user who gave trusted access.
Hireserve Solved Trusted folders do not work like they should It will be completely reveiwed by Hireserve.
But users should be aware that trusted mode give the trustee the SAME rights than the grantor, i.e. the trustee IS the grantor (can close a folder etc...)!
007 Bug 20-NOV F. Briard A trusted user does not have the same access to edit/delete comment than the original user.
Hireserve Solved
008 Enh. Req. 25-NOV T. Camporesi Would be interesting to see who has created a Report on Candidate in the document's name
R. Kovacs Solved Will appear on next TSC in desription of attached document
009 Enh. Req. 25-NOV T. Camporesi A function to compare candidates would be useful: either a report or a way to print ALL documents for a given candidate in one go.
F. Briard Registered NB: It is not easy to provide a simple way to print ALL documents for a given candidates as it depends highly on the type of documents as weel as the way the platform (OS and browser) of the user handles them...
010 Enh. Req. 26-NOV T. Kehrer List user alphabetically in the "search users" popup window
Hireserve Registered Workaround: searching users with the "search box" os advised.
011 Enh. Req. 09-MAR S. Foffano
Equal opportunity board
marital Status should be asked to candidate but not displayed in application form
Hireserve Registered Specific development needed: a flag to tell whether a field should be displayed or not in Application Form
012 Enh. Req. 13-APR JP. Matheys Diploma level in all letters instead f 3 letters acronym
F. Briard Registered A test report will be made to text this as the Diploma full name may be a bit long to display.
013 Enh. req. 13-APR JP. Matheys New report to display part of application forms (e.g. Education, language, curren employer)
R. Kovacs Registered  
014 Enh. Req. 16-APR D. Myers Restrict usage of STAFF reports to STAFF folders
R. Kovacs Solved  
015 Enh. Req. 16-APR D. Myers Modify e-mail sent to grantees so that they go to "Reporting"
Hireserve Registered Will try to add a note saying that at CERN, it is advised to use the "Reporting" menu to search and browse folders.
016 Enh. Req. 16-APR B. Flockhart Open attached documents in a bigger window in order to avoid resizing them all
Hireserve Registered