<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"%> <% ' ================================ ' AIS Debug variables ' ================================ Dim AISdebugSet AISdebugSet = "N" ' ===================================== ' Make sure to catch any database error ' ===================================== On Error Resume Next ' ================================ ' AISNews Recordset and variables ' ================================ Dim AISNews Dim AISNewsError Dim AISNewsIndex Set AISNews = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") AISNews.ActiveConnection = MM_Foundation_STRING AISNews.Source = "select M.msg_id,M.title,M.abstract,M.author,M.details,M.urgency,M.msg_date,M.expiry_date,M.app_name,A.name from navigator.app_messages M, navigator.sys_applications A where M.app_name = A.code and trunc(sysdate) between M.msg_date and M.expiry_date-1 order by msg_date desc" AISNews.CursorType = 0 AISNews.CursorLocation = 2 AISNews.LockType = 1 AISNews.Open() ' Check that DB connection and SQL run went fine If Err.Number <> 0 Then AISNewsError= Err.Description Else AISNewsError= "None" End If AISNewsIndex = 0 ' ================================ ' AISFocus Recordset and variables ' ================================ Dim AISFocus Dim AISFocusError Dim AISFocusIndex Dim AISFocusShownAlways Dim AISFocusToBeShown Dim AISFocusRequestedId Dim AISFocusContent Dim AISUpperLeftImage Dim AISUpperRightImage Dim AISNextFocusId Dim AISPreviousFocusId Set AISFocus = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") AISFocus.ActiveConnection = MM_AISweb_STRING AISFocus.Source = "SELECT id, title, text, upper_right_image, upper_left_image, date_from, date_to, always_shown FROM articles WHERE (articles.date_from<=Date() Or IsNull(articles.date_from)) And (articles.date_to>=Date() Or IsNull(articles.date_to)) ORDER BY articles.always_shown,articles.id;" AISFocus.CursorType = 0 AISFocus.CursorLocation = 2 AISFocus.LockType = 1 AISFocus.Open() ' Check that DB connection and SQL run went fine If Err.Number <> 0 Then AISFocusError= Err.Description Response.Write(""&AISFocusError&"") Else AISFocusError= "None" End If AISFocusRequestedId = Request.QueryString("focusid") ' ================================ ' AIS Procedures used in page ' ================================ sub getFocus() ' =========================================== ' GET FOCUS ' This procedure build the focus and store it ' in the AISFocusContent variable ' =========================================== If (AISFocus.EOF OR AISFocusError<> "None") Then Call AISdebug("Focus query returned NO records - maybe database connection error or no focus active") ' No focus found, maybe an error connecting the database or none is active... ' Display a default hardcoded focus item AISFocusContent= "" AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "

AIS: the unique entry point to all administrative computing at CERN

" AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "
" AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "The AIS website provides you with links, documentation, Frequently Asked Questions pages, Quick Reference Guides etc on all administrative applications and projects at CERN." AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "

" AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "Choose one of the menu items on the left. If you are not sure on which option to use, the shortcuts on the right may help you finding the good one." Else Call AISdebug("Focus query returned records") AISFocusToBeShown = 0 ' Check if a given focus has been past as parameter ' In that case search for that focus (supposing it is active and therefore in the query results) If (AISFocusRequestedId) <> "" Then Call AISdebug("Requested focus: " & AISFocusRequestedId) AISFocus.MoveFirst Do Until (AISFocus.EOF) If (Cstr(AISFocus.Fields.Item("id")) = AISFocusRequestedId) Then AISFocusToBeShown = 1 Call AISdebug("Requested focus found: " & AISFocus.Fields.Item("title")) Exit Do Else Call AISdebug("Current focus id = " & AISFocus.Fields.Item("id")& ". Check next.") AISFocus.MoveNext End if Loop If (AISFocus.EOF) Then Call AISdebug("Requested focus not found or not active") End if End if ' Check if there was no requested focus or it has not been found or it is not active If (AISFocusToBeShown = 0) Then Call AISdebug("Choose a focus randomly") AISFocus.MoveFirst ' Check if there are any "Always Shown" focus (should always be on first record) AISFocusShownAlways = AISFocus.Fields.Item("always_shown").Value Call AISdebug("Always shown focus exists = " & AISFocusShownAlways) ' Check how many focus may be displayed (taking into account existence of "always shown" ones) While (NOT AISFocus.EOF) If AISFocusShownAlways Then ' There is at least one "Always Shown" focus, count only those ones If AISFocus.Fields.Item("always_shown").Value Then AISFocusIndex = AISFocusIndex+1 End If Else ' There are no "Always Shown" focus, all are counted AISFocusIndex = AISFocusIndex+1 End If AISFocus.MoveNext Wend Call AISdebug("Number of potential focus found = " & AISFocusIndex) ' Now decides (random) which focus is to be shown Randomize AISFocusToBeShown = Int((AISFocusIndex*Rnd)+1) Call AISdebug("Chosen focus = " & AISFocusToBeShown & "/" & AISFocusIndex) ' Move back to the randomly chosen focus AISFocus.MoveFirst For i = 1 to AISFocusToBeShown-1 AISFocus.MoveNext Next End if ' Now we should be placed on the focus to be displayed ' Get the to be displayed focus id AISFocusToBeShownId = AISFocus.Fields.Item("id") Call AISdebug("Chosen focus id = " & AISFocusToBeShownId) ' Find out what is the next focus id AISFocus.MoveNext If AISFocus.EOF Then AISFocus.MoveFirst End if AISNextFocusId = AISFocus.Fields.Item("id") Call AISdebug("Next focus id = " & AISNextFocusId) ' Move back to shown focus and find out at the same time which is the previous focus id AISFocus.MoveFirst If (AISFocus.Fields.Item("id") = AISFocusToBeShownId) Then ' Chosen focus was the first one, the previous one is therefore the last one Call AISdebug("Chosen focus is the first one") Do Until (AISFocus.EOF) AISPreviousFocusId = AISFocus.Fields.Item("id") AISFocus.MoveNext Loop AISFocus.MoveFirst Else Do While (AISFocus.Fields.Item("id") <> AISFocusToBeShownId) AISPreviousFocusId = AISFocus.Fields.Item("id") Call AISdebug(" - Current focus id = " & AISFocus.Fields.Item("id")) AISFocus.MoveNext Loop End If Call AISdebug(" - Moved back to chosen focus") Call AISdebug("Previous focus id = " & AISPreviousFocusId) ' Display the focus Call AISdebug("Build focus") AISUpperLeftImage = AISFocus.Fields.Item("upper_left_image") AISUpperRightImage = AISFocus.Fields.Item("upper_right_image") AISFocusContent = "" If (Len(AISUpperLeftImage)>0) Then Call AISdebug(" - upper left image is #" & AISUpperLeftImage & "#") AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "" Else Call AISdebug(" - no upper left image") End if If (Len(AISUpperRightImage)>0) Then Call AISdebug(" - upper right image is #" & AISUpperRightImage & "#") AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "" Else Call AISdebug(" - no upper right image") End if AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "

" & AISFocus.Fields.Item("Title").Value & "

" AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "
" AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & AISFocus.Fields.Item("text") End If ' Checked if "any" focus was found end sub %> AIS

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**Main Applications**
- OracleHR
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e-RT Version fixes and improvements


5.4.0 (20-Apr-2006)

Jira ID
devref: 1422

SQL Enquiry Writer: Enable graphical reports developed using APEX (Oracle's Application Express product formerly known as HTML DB) to be linked-in seamlessly to SQL Enquiry Writer reports.

  New Feature
devref: 1417

RSS: We have added the capability in iCams to generate RSS files of all of your jobs which may be used by candidates with RSS readers to get a constantly updated stream of jobs that you are offering. Other opportunities include uploading your RSS files to Google where the jobs will then have equal prominence with jobs loaded from the job boards. To implement this, each site will need to be configured with these additional parameters:
   - YES to enable RSS generation.
   - The height of the image to be shown by RSS readers
   - The width of the image to be shown by RSS readers
   - YES if you want the "author" to be listed as the email address in param.  FROM_ RSS_JOBS_TITLE_
   - This is the title that news readers will give to the RSS fed by default
   - YES if you want the "author" to be listed as the email address in parameter  FROM_
   -  - This is the title that news readers will give to the RSS fed by default
   - ?
   - The full URL to be displayed in the news reader
   - The address of the web site which holds the jobs
   - The directory name on the database server where the RSS files are to be copied to.

To be looked into  
devref: 1416

FAB: This release includes a new web-based tool for managing multi-section application forms (FAB), which can be accessed by suitably privileged users under the Configure -> Application Forms menu option in the back office.

Working: 16/08/2006 after install of HTMLDB instance on ert_test. New Feature
devref: 1415

QuickFind: If you want to make QuickFind ignore candidates who have no last_name defined (for example an  incomplete registration or when the identify of candidates has been "masked" for data protection purposes), you can now set the parameter QUICKFIND_IGNORE_NO_NAME_ to YES.

  New Feature
devref: 1414

View Applications By Job: If one candidate has applied for the same job more than once, we now show only the latest application.

Fix for Jira issue ERT-??? Bug Fix
devref: 1413

Multi-section Application Forms: When dates are presented as Day/Month/Year pick lists, there was no validation to check that the selected combination was valid (e.g. it allowed 31-feb).

  Bug Fix
devref: 1410
Site Utilities (for system administrators at the database level):

1) Disable all constraints for iCams - wd_disable_cons.sql

2) Disable all triggers for iCams - wd_disable_trigs.sql

3) Enable all constraints for iCams - wd_enable_cons.sql

4) Enable all triggers for iCams - wd_enable_trigs.sql

5) Delete all site content - wd_site_utils.delete_site(web_site_id)

6) Copy site content from another site - wd_site_utils.copy_site(source_web_site_id, target_web_site_id) (depends on a DB link being created called "sourcedb" and this must point to the database from which you want the data copied.
  New Feature
devref: 1409

Scoring of application forms: Have introduced the ability to attach score information to answers of candidates to specific questions (when the answer is selected from a pick list or radio button) - this capability is available to those customers who are using the multi-section application forms (FAB). There is a new screen for administering the scores per question per job (which means that you can score the same answer to the same question differently between different jobs). The scores are displayed in candidate history, folder views and view applications by job and are colour coded depending on the where the score sits relevant to bands defined for scores for the job: top/middle/bottom (green/orange/red respectively). Duplicating a job will duplicate the scores too. For those sites that have FAB enabled they can take advantage of this capability too by setting the parameter FAB_SCORING_ENABLED_nn=YES. In addition, there are utilities for copying complete application forms within sites, from one site to another and now even across databases. Finally, the complete FAB form-builder has been redeveloped as a web application. A new Configure menu option has been added for "Application Forms" which gives access to the new form builder, scoring tools and form copying tool.

Also under this reference, whilst implementing all the above new code, we made two further changes:
   - QuickFind will now return only candidates who have either a Last Name or an Email address
   - The View Applications by Job screen has been improved to simplify the process of sending CVs in bulk/transfer to ListBuilder/bulk FAB application form print/Populate Folder - there is now a checkbox to select which candidates you want to action and also a "Select All" and "Select None" option.

  New Feature
devref: 1406

Candidate Registration: Enable Username to become synonymous with E-mail address. The prompt for username may be changed to say E-mail Address (this has always been possible) but if the system parameter CCP_USERNAME_IS_EMAIL_nn is set to YES then the e-mail address will be hidden and will be populated "behind the scenes" with the lower case value of the username.

  New Feature
devref: 1405

Application Form Scoring: We have added a new feature which enables the user to assign scores to different answers that a candidate may select from radio buttons/pick lists when the site is running the multi-section application forms (FAB). This step of the development covers the definition of the scoring structure only. Scoring of submitted applications and related extended functionality is covered under DevRef:01409.   Switch this on by setting FAB_SCORING_ENABLED_xx to YES

  New Feature
devref: 1404

Candidate Timeout: This was not working correctly as the cookies being set to track a candidate's last activity were not being deleted when they were supposed to have been. This now been fixed.

devref: 1400
Multi-section Application Forms (FAB): Three enhancements have been made:-

1) The usual behaviour when applying for a job using FAB is that a candidate is lead sequentially through all form sections. By setting the parameter FAB_DISABLE_SEQUENTIAL_nn to YES, this behaviour can be modified so that after saving the first section, the candidate is presented with the section menu from which he can then select the next section to be edited.

2) On the section menu, we have added a field to the database to allow the form designer to specify an override for the column headings displayed above the section summary. This allows the wording and colouring to be modified to meet the needs of each customer. The FAB admin tool has not yet been adapted to support this additional capability so the form designer will need to make this change using a SQL tool for now.

3) Enable a section to be linked outside of the context of a form - for example, a Diversity Questionnaire maybe presented to candidates once they have submitted their application by adding text and a link to the "confirmation" page text. The section may not exist in the Form Section Usages table but can be called providing the parameter P_FREESTANDING=Y is added to the URL embedded into the confirmation text. The confirmation text will replace the strings [candidate_id], [web_page_id], [form_id] and [web_site_id] with their corresponding actual values. When the freestanding section is saved, the candidate will be returned to the main candidate menu (CCP menu).
To be looked into New Feature
devref: 1276
Delete Candidate in Back Office: When a user deletes a candidate in the back office, the profile record (that the candidate is able to log into iCams with) is left behind, but not connected any longer to a candidate record. This was causing two problems for the candidate: 1) that if he tried to log in, he would simply receive an  error message telling him that the candidate record could not be located and 2) he would be unable to register again using the same email address as that still existed on the profile record. We have now modified this behaviour (if you set a new parameter) so that when a candidate record is deleted in the back office, it will update the corresponding profile record setting the username to a junk value and erasing the email address, thus enabling it to be reused. The parameter that needs to be set to activate this behaviour is DEL_CAND_ERASE_PROFILE_ = YES.
Related to Jira issue ERT-39  
devref: 1174

Candidate Logoff: This was not working consistently - the candidate would be sent to the about:blank page and would have to close down all browser windows before logging-in as acandidate again. This has now been fixed.

Related to Jira issue ERT-40 Bug fix

5.3.5 (20-Apr-2006)

Jira ID
devref: 1396

Client Database: We have made a number of enhancements to this:

1) Whenever candidate history is entered that is linked to a Client (via a Job), the client history will be updated too

2) In the view of Candidate History on the main candidate details screen, if the history entry is linked to a Client then details of the client name will also be displayed

3) You can now link Tracking Types to two emails - we have added the ability to link a tracking type to an email to be sent to the client automatically when the candidate history has been updated - the user will be presented with a screen containing the default e-mail to be sent to the client (this may for example be confirmation details for an interview. The e-mail is also stored in the client history and may be viewed from the client details screen at any time.)

devref: 1395

SQL Enquiry Writer: Enable the ability to mark chosen columns to display grand totals. When defining an enquiry, the developer may now enter details of which columns are to have automatically-derived grand totals.  This works only on the web run and only as long as the results are not paged.

Now shows as an extra field when defining a back office report New Feature
devref: 1393

FAB: Enable a "batch print" facility of application forms invoked from the View Applications By Job screen. This facility enables multiple application forms to be sent to the printer in a single click. The output comprsies
  1) A header page listing out the job applied for and the name of each candidate whose form is being printed
  2) A separator page for each candidate followed by the completed application form
  3) A footer page so that you know that all forms have been printed.
  This can be switch-on by setting the parameter FAB_BATCH_PRINT_ENABLED_nn to YES

Not working - bug, logged as Jira issue ERT-74 New Feature
devref: 1391

Job Selector Window - if job title contains an apostrophe then selecting the job causes a script error and doesn't get passed back.

Related to Jira isue ERT-66 Bug Fixed
devref: 1390

Job Selector: The job selector window is presented to back office users when a job needs to be picked from a list. We have changed the job selector window to display also the client name (when the Org DB is enabled) and the light bulb on/off to give a clear indication of whether the job is live or not.

devref: 1389
SQL Enquiry Writer: Added a new coding convention allowing a parameter to be entered as a series of comma-separated values (e.g. smith,jones,green) and this to be "unpacked" in the generated SQL and compared for LIKEness to columns in the database. This enhancement is aimed at systems implementers and enables more flexible reporting to be developed. The use of unpack would be coded like this as an example:

"and [unpack:last_name:p1]"

which would be expanded at runtime into

"and (last_name like 'smith%' or last_name like 'jones%' or last_name like 'green%')"
  New Feature
devref: 1383

SQL Enquiry Writer:  To suppress the capability for a user to dynamically sort the results of a query, set a paramater called WD_QUERY_SUPPRESS_SORT to YES.

  New Feature
devref: 1382

Candidate Control Panel: For sites running FAB (the multi-section application form system), a CV created through the Candidate Control Panel was not being recognised by FAB even if a section defined as a Documents section existed. This has been corrected so that a CV can be loaded either via the CCP or as part of the FAB application process and be recognised in either place.

devref: 1381

FAB: On the multiple section application forms system, we were unable to store the source entered by candidates online against their online application records. We can now do this by selecting the SOURCE or SPECIFIC_SOURCE option

devref: 1378

FOLDERS: On transfer (share type TRANSFER) of a folder, the recipient's access to other folders was being inadvertently revoked.

devref: 1376

User Reporting: The results displayed by all reports/enquiries generated by iCams' own report writer can be sorted on any column by clucking the column headings - sort can be ascending or descending.

  New Feature
devref: 1359

Send CV: For agencies, the Send CV option from the candidate screen did not behave in the same way as from the Client screens and did not update the Client History correctly. We have created a replacment Send CV function which can be invoked from the Candidate sctreeen and this will now allow you to pick the Client / Contact / Job from pick lists. Upon save, both the candidate and client history will be correctly updated. We  have relabeled the option in the candidate screen to "Send CV to client".


5.3.4 (19-Jan-2006)

Jira ID
(devref: 1375) JOB LISTS: a requirement was presented which dictated that we make it possible to generate a fully- functional (less "apply" and "send to friend" links) "static" page of job listings which could then be retrieved using a utility such as "wget" and the resultant file placed on suitable web servers and prime search engines.
In the process of testing this new feature. This will satisfy the HR need for a 'Googlable' page of jobs.
New Feature
(devref: 1370) When using Quickfind to search for a JOB there is a link to VIEW applications per job listed.
New Feature
(devref: 1366) 'Sub Types' can now be created in Tracking Types. This is an enhancement to reduce the number of tracking types used. We can now use a sub-type for tracking types - e.g. Application Received:Diploma Missing (where "Diploma Missing" is the sub-type). Where a tracking type is defined, a value set can be created and set to be used for the subtype. Then when a candidate history record is created the subtype can be selected from a pick list. The display of candidate history has been modified so that, if a subtype was used, it will display tracking_type:subtype.

NB: Any bespoke reports that have been written which show the candidate status may need to be upgraded to reference the subtype, where present.

New Feature
(devref: 1365) Tracking Hires: We have updated the system to now calculate and report on the number of hires by job - previously this was only implemented for Applications, Interviews, Offers and Rejections. The summary screens which now show the number of applications, interviews, offers, rejections now include an additional column for the number of hires. All these figures are maintained in real time as candidate activity is recorded This is based on using the new "no. of jobs" field which we most likely won't be using as we already have a classification set up for this.
New Feature
(devref: 1362) Candidate Details Screen: Enable the "Type Details" and "Search Exclusions" lines to be suppressed for an individual site by setting the following parameters to a value of "YES": SUPPRESS_TYPE_DETAILS&SUPPRESS_SEARCH_EXCLUSIONS. These may be set independently to each other. If neither is set, the two lines will continue to be displayed (i.e. same as current behaviour).
Most likely only search exclusions will be suppressed by us as type details is used.
New Feature
(devref: 1349) User "signature" on e-mails: Have added support for a user to include a standard block of text at the end of every email they send to candidates - the text may be up to 4000 characters in length and is entered by each user under the "Preferences" -> "User Settings and Sharing" option. E-mail templates need to be updated to include the field [users_signature] to enable the content to be merged.
New Feature
ERT-60 (devref: 1348) CV Text extraction & indexing: Found a bug where if the uploaded filename contained spaces or \ or / characters, it could cause the shell script wd_textext.sh to hang. On some documents we were finding the ctxhx (Oracle-supplied text extraction utility) would simply get "stuck" and consume CPU without completing.
We have added a 10 second timeout (a parameter supported by ctxhx) to prevent this from recurring. Local copies of wd_textext.sh should be modified to reflect this change.
To be tested
(devref: 1343) Profile Activation/Deactivation Monitoring: There is a process which runs every day and emails candidates if their profile is about to expire or become active again. If a customer didn't define the e-mail library entry for the "pre activiation" e-mail, then no e-mails would be sent at all. This has been fixed.
due to be tested around 29th Jan 2006.
(devref: 1341) Candidate Control Panel: If a candidate has applied for many jobs (in excess of 80), an error was being displayed instead of the candidate menu. This limitation has now been worked-around.
Not worked with candidate ID 4619 - Jeremy to advise.
(devref: 1340) Configuration: Under the main configuration option for Tracking Types, by default show only those which are enabled and provide a checkbox for the user to specify that disabled Tracking Types should be listed too.
New Feature

5.3.1 - 5.3.3 (17-Jan-2006):

Jira ID

ERT-53 (devref: 1321)

Previously when too many candidates (50-100) were added to a folder at once an error message was generated. This has now been remedied.
  A folder can now be re-opened if the user trying to re-open it was the original owner of the folder and/or has a closed folder share record. Please note, this will only work if the folder was closed after this upgrade was applied.  
ERT-56 (devref: 1301) Quickfind now works with Mozilla-based browsers. This can find candidates or jobs by ID, name, job reference number, surname and forename.  
ERT-59 (devref: 1296) If an original owner shared a folder with a second user, then tried to transfer this folder completely to the second user, the second user could not open the folder. This has now been fixed. This is useful for when you are perhaps on holiday. You can transfer your folders to someone you have already shared them with until you return.  
(devref: 1326) Candidate History Entry: Enable the job "list" button to always be displayed when the System Track Type is "CORRESPONDENCE". Also, if the Organisation (Client) database is enabled, add the new option "Send CVs to multiple" (see also DevRef:01329)
New Feature
(devref: 1295) Job Application Acknowledgements: enable details of the job owner's contact details to be embedded into the emails - use these variables:
New Feature

5.3.0 (01-Aug-2005):

Jira ID
  Previously when you inserted or updated a job posting the only statuses were "Draft" and "Submitted for approval". The full list of statuses should now be available. However, If someone duplicates a job (which is the most frequently used way of inserting a new job), the only choices still will be "Draft" and "Submitted for Approval".

  When using folders, you were previously unable to see any candidates in a folder when it had been shared normally then revoked then shared-TRUSTED again. This has now been fixed so the candidates are visible.  
(devref:1216) When a document is opened in the Back Office the document will now be loaded into a fully-operation browser window (with the address bar vsisible and access to menus and buttons). This will make it more obvious how to manipulate the document, and make printing easier.
  The folders "save" button has been disabled only when closing a folder to prevent inadvertent "double-clicking" resulting in duplicate status updates and e-mails being generated.  

When one checkbox is selected on the Folder List (make folder active) and Create Folder (select job), all others are disabled. This only happens when the system allows one to be selected at a time.

(devref:1252) Quick search now works when started from the 'user reports' screen (previously it gave an error message).  
  The 'Full Search' for candidates has been improved.  
(devref:1272) The Folder Close screen where the status choices are displayed has been improved. It is now possible to preview each email before it is sent.  
(devref: 1244) Candidate merge now is supported by folders.
(devref: 1178) Candidates who had started an application before a job had closed were able to submit the application even after the job had closed. This is no longer possible.  
(devref: 1280) Candidate Control Panel: In Candidate history display, order the history entries by creation date descending by default.
(devref: 1270) Candidate-facing forms: where FAB is not in use, date fields for data-entry are always 11 characters and must accept input in the form dd-mon-yyyy. This has been changed to allow the candidate to enter the date in different forms (controlled by a new system paramater DATE_FORMAT_nn (may be set eg as dd/mm/rr)).
New Feature
(devref: 1266) CCP - Candidate History - recent change resulted in the ordering of the columns in candidate history display being incorrect.
(devref: 1244) when deleting candidates, the number of candidate reported as being in the folder was not being decremented. Also ensure that a user hitting the 'refresh' button in a browser is not able to continue to access a folder where his access has been revoked.
(devref: 1217) Candidate Interface: search by reference number - the results were not being displayed in the same format as from other search functions (e.g. what's new, full search etc) meaining that style sheet settings weren't being implemented OK.
Partially Fixed

5.2.4 (20-Jul-2005)

Jira ID
(devref: 1249) JobPosting: after insert or update, when the screen is redisplayed the the only privileges displayed are Draft and Submitted for approval. This was a problem only for customers using External Authentication.  
(devref: 1248) FOLDERS: Unable to see any candidates in a folder when it has been shared normally then revoked then shared TRUSTED again. Similar problems when sharing TRUSTED then revoking and giving a normal share.  
(devref: 1246) Full Search: if a candidate enters free text into the full search screen and that text contains invalid characters, the search results would never be displayed and neither would an error message - the process entered an infinite loop which would severely drain the resources of the server. HFISTVAN: The error message is not too user friendly. (plsql error message) (low priority)
Partially Fixed
(devref: 1239) Full search: re-instate the NL-specific (optional based on a parameter setting) check for searching without entering any parameters - the check was being bypassed accidentally when we implemented the 'disable button after click' code.
(devref: 1235) Document Opening: owing to some problems in certain environemnts, the method of opening documents (such as CV) in the back office has been changed. The only visible aspect of this to most users is that the document will be loaded into a fully-operation browser window (with the address bar vsisible and access to menus and buttons). This will make it more obvious to users how to e.g. print the document.
(devref: 1234) FOLDERS: disable the "save" button when closing a folder to prevent inadvertent "double-clicking" resulting in duplicate status updates and e-mails being generated.
(devref: 1226) Folders: User interface enhancement: when one checkbox is selected, disable all others wherever the system is aonly allowing one to be selected at a time. This is implemneted on the Folder List (make folder active) and Create Folder (select job) checkboxes.
(devref: 1212) Password Reminder: enable a persoanlised e-mail to be sent instead of the standard system-generated one - create a new entry in the e-mail library and then link to the site on the Main Site Details screen.
New Feature
(devref: 1203) Candidate Login: candidate getting an error page or 'page not found' when logging into the candidate control panel if any of the jobs for which the candidate has applied have a long job title (only relevant when FAB - the multi-secition application forms - is being used).