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1. Introduction
2. General description
3. Specific Requirements

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

This software requirements specifications (SRS) document gives a detailed description of the functionality of the system to be implemented to support the administration of the visits and guides at CERN.

The intended audience is:

  • Paola Catapano, group leader of ETT-VE (Visites Publiques), responsible for the organization of the visits and the administration of the guides.
  • Rolf Maeder, main user of the system.
  • Reinoud Martens, group leader of the AS-CIS group implementing the software system

1.2 Scope

The software system to be produced will support the following functions:
  • Administration of the guides
  • Scheduling of the visits
  • Overview of the visits

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

Visit A guided tour to one or more CERN sites, accompanied by one or more guides
Guide Person with knowledge about one or more CERN sites, who volunteered to give guided tours to these sites.

1.4 References

1.5 Overview

The rest of this SRS document contains the compiled list of requirements of the system to be implemented.

Chapter 2 describes the general and implementational constraints for the project, as well as a list of interfaces with other applications.

Chapter 3 contains a detailed description of the functionalities of the system.

2. General description

2.1 General constraints

In its drive to make its applications easily accessible (client platform independant, accessibility from outside CERN) and interconnected, AS-CIS have decided to implement the user interface of its applications on the Web. Therefore, if AS-CIS is to implement the proposed system, it will be Web based. The server side will run on a Unix machine, using Oracle as the database engine.

2.2 Interfaces with other applications

The main advantage of AS-CIS implementing the system is its ability to integrate it with other administrative applications:
  • HR: The personnel system, containing information on persons, their internal and external address, telephone number, etc.
  • Adressage: The system originally implemented for the mail office, which can be used to create email distribution lists

Two external (non-AIS) systems will be referenced as well:

  • Access system of the ST division where the photos of the persons are stored
  • Filmbadge system of the TIS division to determine if a guide has a film badge

Also, the AIS common login system will be used to authenticate users.

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3. Specific requirements

3.1 Functional Requirements

3.1.1 Guides

The principal function of the system is the administration of the guides. Any person registered in the personnel system (HR) can volunteer to give guided tours. The attributes of a guide referenced from HR are:
  • Name: First name and last name
  • Nationality
  • Organisation unit: Division, group, section, sub-section
  • Telephone number: Internal or GSM
  • Email address
  • Class (statut): STAF members do not get paid for giving a tour, other persons do.
  • Internal address: primary office
  • External address: street, zip code, town, country and telephone number

Attributes of a guide maintained in the system are:

  • Professional education
  • The current activity
  • The status:
    • Person is still active as guide
    • Person no longer active as guide
    • Person wants to become a guide. In this case, not all attributes of the guide are known yet.
  • The languages the guide speaks
  • The relevant courses the guide followed, and when
  • The different types of guides: A guide can be of multiple types
  • The relevant documentation the guide wants to receive
  • The general availability of the guide

It should be possible to maintain the data concerning a guide, even if the person is no longer active as a guide.

3.1.2 Guides listing

The system must allow the user to query the guides on their attributes, one or more at the same time:

  • List of guides that speak a certain language
  • List of guides of a certain type
  • List of guides with a certain availability
  • List of guides with a certain activity
  • List of guides with certain nationality
  • List of guides with certain status

The user must have the possibility to use the list obtained as an email distribution list, f.i. to send an email to all conferenciers that speak German.

3.1.3 Visits Administration

The second function of the system is the scheduling of the visits and the definition of the guide(s) that will accompany the visit. First, a visit is requested by an individual or for a group for a certain date or period. The request is assigned a guide of type Hotesse (receptionist). Then, the different stages for that visit are scheduled with the accompanying guides. The selection of the guides depends on the courses they followed, their availability, and the languages they speak. At maximum 12 people are accompanied by a guide, so for bigger groups, more than one guide will be assigned. A stage is either for one group or for a number of individuals. Multiple groups can be put in the same conference, given that they all speak the same language. These conferences are scheduled before the first stage, and are assigned one conferencier.

For the visits, an Entity-Relationship model is available.

3.1.4 Visits overview

A number of reports will be available for the overviews of the visits (to be determined).

3.1.5 Email list generation

An email distribution list of the guides must be dynamically refreshed on the IT listbox server.

3.2 The objects in the system

Below is a description of the objects found in the system.
Name Description
Guide Any person who volunteered and was accepted to give guided tours to the CERN sites.
Course A course relevant to the guides: Aleph, Delphi, Seminaire classique, etc.
Type of guide Conferencier, Guide, Hotesse, etc.
Availability General indication when a guide is available: Weekdays, Saturday morning, etc.
Documentation The documents a guide wishes to receive, f.i. press cuttings
Visit General description of a visit
Stage The different stages of a visit, each acconpanied by one or more guides
Conference A general talk to one or more groups before the first stage

3.3 Performance requirements

No strict performance requirements exist. The email list must be refreshed daily.

3.4 Other requirements

Since most users of the system are French speaking, the apllication must be generated in French.

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