3.1. How
to get access to HR?
3.2. How to run HR?
4. Updating Costings/PPAs
4.1 Creating a Costing
4.2 Modifying a Costing
5. EXMP+Applicant becomes a Member of Personnel
6. Internal Address
7. What menu should I use to enter a contact ?
8. Change background color in Oracle HR - no more supported since 11.5.10
9. Liveview (link to specific documentation page)
1. Creating/updating
How to make sure the persons does not already exist in the database?
- First make sure that
the person has NEVER been registered in CERN's databases (as an applicant,
contact, for a computer account, in an experiments database etc.).
- Then you can ask the
person if she has changed her name (in case of marriage), in this case,
make all the following steps with both married and previous last names.
- In any case, make
all the queries with an % at the end of the search string but NOT at
the beginning
the People-Persons screen:
- The 'Find person' window appears from which you can search
for the person
- Enter
the person's last name (with a % sign at the end)
- Press
FIND to get the list of people corresponding to the criteria you entered.
- Check
carefully every record fetched (especially the name, nationality and
birth date - take care that the firstname may differ slightly or that
there may be some minor differences, the birthdate is considered as
a higher discriminant criteria than the firstname)
- If
the person...
- ...is
found then you can modify the existing file.
- ...is
not found, then go back to step 1 and try with a woman previous
last name or with a different spelling of the name (especially in
the case of other alphabets translation - Chinese, Russians etc.)
- ...is found several times with the same information, please contact
the AIS Support
- If
you do not find the person after some tries, you can consider that the
person does not exist and you may create a new file by first clicking
on the 'CLEAR' button in the 'FIND PERSON' window and then press the
'NEW' button.
When you create a new person and save the information, the search duplicates
will prompt you this window if a duplicate is found corresponding to the
new person entered:

How to register external people who come at CERN and need cards, computer
accounts, claims?
This procedure only
concerns people who cannot be registered under any CERN status (those
people should be registered by the relevant central service), and who
do not participate to an experiment at CERN (this category of person should
be registered by the experiment secretariat or the User Office as substitute).
General rule: when a
person comes at CERN and needs to get access card, computer account, to
register a claim etc... AND that person has no registered CERN status,
he/she MUST be just registered in HR with :
- a CERN contact (who should be a STAF, or hold a team leader role),
- a start date,
- an end date,
- and a category that explains why the person had to be registered.
The External status
should be used only for people who do not yet exist in HR.
- Check that the person
does NOT already exist in HR using the 'FIND PERSON'
- If the person
exists with an "active" status (Paid MoP, Unpaid MoP,
External Firm Staff), then the person's files has probably not been
closed correctly in the past. Check the last responsible division
in \Fastpath-Assignment and check with
the DAO of that division what should be done. Once it is clarified
and the current active period terminated, go to step 2 ("non
active" status - just below).
- If the person
exists with a "non-active" status (EXMP, APPLICANT, EXMP+APPLICANT,Contact,External
etc...), you have NOTHING to register BUT check the person's information
(name, birth date etc...). DO NOT OVERWRITE THE EXISTING PERSON
TYPE to set it to external. External is a default person type, and
should be used only if the person has not been already registered
for another reason.
- If the person
does NOT exists AT ALL, register him/her with the "External"
- In ALL cases make
sure to enter a CERN staff member as the responsible contact and a projected
end date in the following fields:
- go to the \People-Persons
- press the icon
'Alter effective date' to change the session date to the present
date (enter the date then OK)
- go to the [.]
field on the bottom right of the screen to open the additional information
- fill in the "Contact
for externals" (List of value available -
- fill in the "external start date",
- fill in the "external
end date" (projected end date)
- fill
in the "Reason for external" (List of value
available -
- press F3 or the
to save the changes
- If the person needs
an access card, send a mail to External.Visitor@cern.ch
to inform them that the person will come in the registration office
giving them last name, first name, date of birth and (if there is one)
- If the person needs to access restricted areas (and therefore should
wear a fild badge, have followed the security courses or be accompanied
by a experienced person), he must justify he his covered against professional
risks. The external person must fill in and sign the external registration
In case 3) and 4), the person must go to the registration services (building
55, main entrance) to get his access card.
- If the persons should benefit from central computing facilities,
he should fill
in the computer registration form.
- Internal addresses are assignable to Externals like any other person.
2. Reports,
Nothing comes out of the printer, what can I check?
- First make sure that
the printer works by printing another document from another application
(e.g. Word or Excel). If nothing comes out from no other application
then you are likely in front of a networking problem. Please report
it to printer.support@cern.ch.
- If the printer works
with other applications, check the status of your report using the \Processes
and reports-View requests screen. The last reports are on the
top of the list. The parameters of the reports appear on last line of
the screen.
- If the "Status"
field shows "Error" then try again to run the report. If it
shows "Error" everytime, send an e-mail to ais.support@cern.ch
How to change my default printer when printing a report?
- Enter the Processes
and reports menu
- In the Submit
request window press the 'OPTIONS' button
- Then in the 'Print
to output to' section, click on the printer field and from the
list of value choose your default printer.

- Press OK to save the
2.3 How to change the default printer?
Under your HR menu, choose Other definitions and
then User Profile options.

In this screen, press F5 and then enter the word Printer with
a capital
P. Then press F2.

Under the column User value, you can choose form the list of values
the default printer you wish to set for Oracle HR.

Then save the information
by pressing the save icon.
3. User
account, connecting, responsibilities...
How to get access to HR?
12 application is only intended for HR, FP divisions, the Registration
Office and the Users' Office. Please check
the access table to
know whether or not you should use HR application.
To run Oracle*HR you need
- a CERN centrally maintained Windows PC (CMF)
- Internet Explorer 10
- an Oracle*HR login
to connect to the application
To get an Oracle*HR account
with the correct access rights to the right data, please fill in the Service Now form
How to run Oracle HR?
Once you get access
to HR, You can then run Oracle*HR by choosing:
- Internet Explorer
- Typing in the url:
4. Updating Costings/PPAs
The updating and creation of costings in HR application is only
done by HR division. Departmental users have to use PAD.
Datetrack is important in this screen: Fastpath-Costing
or People-Persons-Assignment-Costing
4.1 Creating a Costing
- Go to the screen: Fastpath-Costing or People-Persons-Assignment-Costing
- With the icon
position yourself at the right date
- The 100% appears automatically. Place the cursor on the field
'Cost Code' and enter the PPA code
- Save the information with F3 or click on

4.2 Modifying a Costing
Case no.1
- Go to the screen:Fastpath-Costing or People-Persons-Assignment-Costing
- With the icon
position yourself at the right date
- In this specific case we are going to change the costing (ABC)
of 100% to another costing (DEF) of 100%
- Change the existing costing (ABC) to (DEF)
- Save with F3 or
choose UPDATE. The End Date for the previous costing (ABC) will be
set automatically.

Case no.2
- Go to the screen:Fastpath-Costing or People-Persons-Assignment-Costing
- With the icon
position yourself at the right date
- In this specific case we are going to change the costing (ABC)
at 100% to a multiple costing (ABC at 25% and DEF at 75%)
- Position the cursor on the first costing (ABC) of 100% and change
the percentage to 25%.
- Save with F3 or
choose UPDATE then do F3 again
- Create the second costing (DEF at 75%) then save with F3

Case no.3
- Go to the screen: Fastpath-Costing or People-Persons-Assignment-Costing
- With the icon
position yourself at the right date
- In this specific case we are going to change the multiple costing
(e.g 25% ABC, 75% DEF) to a singular costing (DEF at 100%)
- Position the cursor on the costing that is changing percentage
(DEF) and modify it at 100%
- Save with F3 or
choose UPDATE then do F3 again
- Press
enter the date (day-1)
- Place the cursor on the ABC costing that becomes 0%
- Then press on
answer 'YES' to the question "Do you really want to delete
this record?" and choose "Set End Date" then
save with F3 or 

Before leaving the file to open another file, you must make sure
that all changes you have made are accurate, when taking into account
that the total percentage of costings MUST EQUAL 100%. To check the
later, please click on the datetrack history icon 
5. EXMP+Applicant becomes a Member of Personnel
When an EXMP becomes Member of Personnel or External Firm Staff no
special procedure is required. (Place yourself with
at the start date of the contract, modify the type in the screen People-Persons
and informations related to the contract under the Assignment
On the other hand, when an EXMP+Applicant becomes Member of Personnel
or External Firm Staff, you must do the following:
- Go to the screen: People-Persons then
press the Others button
and choose Application
- With
yourself three days before the beginning of the contract
- In the field 'Recruitment Activity' do a RowInsert by clicking on
choose with the list of value the program to which the contract is
- Save with F3 or

- With
yourself two days before the beginning of the contract
- In the field 'Status' choose from the list of values (
'contract to be prepared'
- Choose UPDATE the save with F3 or

- Make sure there are no other 'Contract to be prepared'. If there
are some, please do not continue the procedure and send a request
to the AIS Support. Otherwise, continue the procedure below.
- Go to the screen: People-Persons
- With
yourself at the start date of the contract and modify the required
- Save with F3 and then press the Assignment
button in the People-Persons screeen to change information
related to the contract
For any specific cases, please contact the AIS
Support giving the maximum information (name, identification number
and encountered problem).
6. Internal Address
When assigning an office space to a person, HR compares the information
entered with GESLOC. The information entered can be refused by HR for
two main reasons:
- the office space does not exist in GESLOC: you must contact the
divisional office space responsible to have it created
- the office space exists but is not visible in HR. In this case,
you must contact the CERN courier who will assign a postal
code number, the later being necessary for the office space to appear
in HR.
7. What menu should I use to enter a contact?
A contact must be entered in the People-Persons
screen in order to avoid duplicates as the search duplicate is garanteed
on this screen. The screen 'contact' is ONLY
TO BE USED for specifying the relationship.

8. Change background color in Oracle
HR - no more supported with version 11.5.10 !
Since version 11.5.8 background color in Oracle HR is by default white
as well as the background color of fields. This can be tiring for eyes
when working for a long period.
But it is possible to change the default background color by modifying
the URL (the address shown in your browser for the page where is written
the message "IMPORTANT: Do not close this window") parameters.
In the following table, click on the color of your choice. This will
start Oracle HR with the chosen color as background color of forms. You
then only have to save the current address in your favorites in order
to find the same color each time you start Oracle HR.
Please note that only these color are available.