The status of a timesheet for a given month changes:
- together with the action that has been performed
on it. We can distinguish three different actions (hence the timesheet
status is represented by three oval boxes):
- creation - the timesheet is considered created,
when the user edits&saves/uploads it for
the very first time; before this the timesheet
is simply not created. As
long as the timesheet is only created the
user can always update it.
- submission - when the user presses the Submit button.
By this action the user gives the
green light to the supervisor to validate it. The timesheet enters the submitted phase
and can be modified by the user only until it is validated
by the supervisor.
- validation -
this action is restricted to the supervisors only. When the timesheet
gets validated the
can continue to access it in the
Edit mode providing that the deadline
validation has not yet expired.
Once this deadline is passed the
is locked
automatically by the system
for any further user actions.
In some
exceptional cases, however, the the Registration
Office proper for your project can
grant the supervisor the right to modify the validated
timesheet even if the deadline for validation has already expired. The
status of the timesheet changes then to reopened
by PO and
the supervisor can edit it as long as the Registration
Office does not revoke this particular right. When the right is revoked
the status of the timesheet becomes again validated and
no further user actions are allowed.
- as the time passes by:
gray color means no action has been performed so far, and the deadline
has not yet expired.
green color describes a situation when a specific
action was performed
red color warns the user that no action has been performed so far, and
the deadline is already over.
The deadline
for submission and the deadline for validation are
specific for your project. After the deadline has been passed, the timesheet
is automatically locked by
the system for further processing. In some exceptional cases, however,
the Project Office can grant the user additional
time to submit the
timesheet and the supervisor to validate it.
The typical life cycle of a timesheet can be summarized as

was not created, and the deadline for submission has not
yet expired

was not created, however the deadline for submission is already

was created, but not submitted yet, and deadline for submission has not
yet expired

was created, but not submitted yet, and the deadline for
submission is already over

was submitted, and the deadline for supervisor validation has not
yet expired

was submitted, however the deadline for supervisor validation is already

was validated

was validated, and the Project Office granted
supervisor the right to modify it.