AIS Web Site SpecificationsTable Of ContentsIntroduction 1. IntroductionThis paper gives the detailed specifications for an Administrative Information Services web site. They are meant to cover all aspects of the design and development of a WEB site, sized ~500 pages. These specifications were drawn by the project team during a series of meetings (02/10/98, 06/10/98,08/10/98,13/10/98 ) .Throughout the paper, we make reference to AIS users and AIS members:
Some representatives of the AIS user community will be invited to review the prototype of the WEB site and will have the opportunity to comment and suggest. Between 03/98 and 09/98 a number of task forces were appointed to study
specific areas where co-ordination between the two groups should be emphasized.
These task forces were the User
Interface Task force, Reusable
Tools Task force, Workflow
Task force and the Standards
Task force 2. Objectives and standards2.1 ObjectivesThe broad objectives of the project are described in the Goals section of the project's home page. This section covers them in more details. Note that it is not realistic to try to reach all of these objectives at once. Intermediary solutions may be provided, while keeping in mind those objectives.
2.2 Standards for developmentThis section covers some principles that must be kept in mind when making decisions for developing the AIS Web site.
3. ContentsThis section gives an exhaustive list of all the information that must be available from the AIS Web site. It does not address the question of how this information will be structured nor how it will be laid out and presented to the user. It does not follow an order of importance or priority.It is divided into two parts, the contents of interest to the AIS users
and the contents of interests to AIS members. 3.1 Contents for AIS users
This page must describe how to obtain support from AIS. It must also be the access point for all other information related to support (e.g. introduction to the Help desk, recommendations to make support more efficient, links to questionnaires and statistics etc. ). FAQ must be organized in such a way that AIS users find the answer to their questions, 90% of the cases. FAQ for AIS users cannot be simply extracted from REMEDY: they have to be sorted out and phrased in a very user friendly way. When AIS members answer to a Remedy log, they should have a possibility to make a reference to a FAQ number, so as to avoid repeating a frequently given explanation. The FAQ page(s) must exist both in English and in French. The Help Desk can play an active role in sorting out which are the frequently asked question, phrasing them for AIS users and translating them. Examples are: The idea is to present for each of the Administrative procedures a page with the procedure diagram turned into a click able map. The user might click on part of the diagram to display dynamic information ( e.g. who is DPO or DAO?) or to get entry point into the appropriate application (e.g. EDH or AVCL) . This data would be extracted from our Administrative databases (Foundation). Note that, in order to give user specific information, this would require logging in to the AIS web site. These interactive guide pages through administrative procedures should be implemented in close collaboration to the AS-DI-OP section (Organization and Procedures). For each application, the AIS users should find information on the level of services provided (run hours, backup plans) - Such pages could also describe how AIS resources are used and how they link to maintenance activities or projects, so as to give to AIS users an accurate image of our resources deployment. The AIS potential clients should also find there the conditions under which new projects may be started (e.g. at the time, it is planned to inherit the Medical Service application, one should define the conditions which apply such as number of staff involved, quality of specifications, realistic time scales etc. ..) This alert zone is used to convey to AIS users or AIS members any piece(s) of information which they need to be aware of urgently. Examples are AIS users should evidently not be aware of alerts for AIS members. NB: Whenever critical information needs to be pushed forward to end users, sending e-mail remains the most appropriate medium. This page should be the entry point of all AIS applications , with one logo/icon per applications. AIS users should also find on this page reference information that may be found in our databases, without entering in the context of one specific application. Examples are directories of suppliers, persons , budget codes etc. ... Finally there should be an icon to open the Feedback form The only available dynamic e-mail lists are provided by the Mowgli service and are based mostly on the CCDB database (e.g. as-su.listbox@cern.ch). Our Foundation databases hold a large amount of potential e-mail lists. Examples are:
This pages would be mostly aimed at our AIS users who participate to projects users group. At a glance such users should find what the. project status is, when is the next meeting foreseen, what are the actions expected from them if any, minutes of previous meetings etc... The site should include a click able map of all fields of administrations ( Finances, Purchasing, Logistics, Human Resources, Electronic workflow support, Budget management, Goods inventory --). Clicking on a field should display another map to present the components. For example, clicking on Human Resources should bring the user to all components of Human Resources (Administration, Payroll, Training etc..). The aim is to provide a coherent and comprehensive view of administration, not as disparate as the view provided when one starts form the Applications point of view. At the latest level of this click able map, the user should see the map of applications, their interfaces and how they support business processes (e.g., process 'material'/'information' flow diagram from contract preparation (CFU), purchase requisitions (EDH), purchase orders (SIRIAC), goods reception (SIRIAC), invoice acceptance (SIRIAC), invoice payment (ORIAC), reporting on expenditures (BHT), etc.... ) The AIS Web site must include a News page. This news page must be divided into two parts: We propose to implement a simple database repository to hold this news, as well as a WEB interface to enter news (a straightforward matter with Designer 2000). It is difficult to position an electronic Newsletter in the overall contents of a WEB site, without making it redundant. However, the newsletter we imagine would be an informal way to push forward some information to AIS users and improve the contacts we have with them. The characteristics of this newsletter would be: AIS users must be encouraged to provide feedback to us, or raise problems. In order to do this, we think it is useful to provide a feedback page. This page would contain a CGI form for the user to enter his feedback/request. It is possible to feed Remedy directly from this page, for all feedback of type Problems, or e-mail the contents of the form to the AIS help desk This page would be accessed from the Contact us button on the top navigation bar. The site map is a single page where all links appear, under their appropriate heading but without a menu structure. This allows experienced users to have a global and comprehensive view, at a glance, of all the information which the AIS site provides. A good example of a site map is the BABAR site newly designed site map. 3.2 Contents for AIS membersThis section lists some information which will empower the AIS member to do their job more efficiently, provided they can find it easily on their Web site.
REMEDY could be used to store solutions to technical problems which are met internally (e.g. all problems linked to Case*Designer) 4. NavigationWe propose to divide the AIS Web site into two 'sub sites'. The AIS User site and the AIS Internal site, as opposed to mixing public and private documents inside the hierarchical structure.NB: the sub site to which we refer here does NOT define an area of the WEB with its own web master, own users and access mechanisms. We think that partitioning the WEB site too strictly would lead us back to today's difficulties to share information. Not all pages available to AIS users may be accessed by the world outside CERN, although the criteria for selecting these pages have not yet been clarified and, to some extent, are not with the control of AIS (e.g. pages on CERN internal procedures have been declare CERN only by the CLA). The design of the WEB site must take this into account and allow to protect individual pages from outside access. Pages visible from the Users will have a URL beginning with http://aiswww, whereas pages visible from AIS members only will have a URL beginning with http://aiswww/internal. A single, different background colour all over the AIS internal site would be a useful reminder to AIS members of the part of the site in which they are. It is important that URLs on the AIS Web site should be coherent.
For example if the user is on http://aiswww/bht/welcome.html he should
know that In order to protect the contents of the Internal part of the WEB site,
we propose to apply URL based security mechanism combined with LAS authentication,
as it is done today for some of our applications (e.g. Foundation). All pages used for navigation should be available in French as well as in English. Other pages may remain in their author's preferred language. The User Interface Task force has published very useful recommendations
for setting
up navigation on the WEB. In addition, we have reviewed a large number
of sites where we feel that navigation is easy and intuitive. This
brings us to highlight the following specifications for the AIS Web site
Ideally , this navigation bar should be generated automatically from a repository, which would reduce the maintenance to a minimum. Whether this is possible or not strongly depends on the site design and management tool which we will choose. 4.1 Navigation in the Users sub site
Applications ...............................................desktop.html
PIE CSS AISWEB CTA REMEDY PROJECTS Management How to? ................................................howto.html (with links to set by setup administrative procedures guide) Newsletter ............................................ NL0398.html (with links to previous editions) Utilities
E-mail lists Useful data ................................admindata.html (explanation page with links to dynamic pages) Useful sites .................................sites.html (with links to all sites useful for the AIS user) 4.2 Navigation in the Internal sub-site
PIE CSS AISWEB Y2K CTA REMEDY PROJECTS Management Tasks forces ...............................................tasksf.html ( with a link to each of the task force home page) Systems .......................................................welcome.html (with a link to machines map and operations timetable) Databases ...................................................welcome.html (with a link to database map and backup schedules ) Development tools
Useful sites & pages Resuable software components
Icons/Images sources ....................... index.html Guidelines ........................................ guidelines.html (for authoring on the AIS WEB site) 5. Layout5.1 Home page
5.2 Any pageThis section lists pieces of information which must appear on all page of AIS WEB site:
5.3 Authoring styleEqually important as the contents and structure of the WEB site is the style used to write the pages. A large amount of literature may be found on how to best write your Web pages. Amongst them, the useit.com site provides clear guidelines. An abstract of this information will be available from the internal site, to help AIS members push information to AIS users efficiently.6. SearchingStandard recommended search engines must be used such as Infoseek or AltaVista. A search engine such as Compass would allow indexing of useful database information. Some site design and maintenance tools provide their own search facility. The evaluation, choice and set up of a search engine for the AIS web constitutes a smaller sub project in itself.Searching on meta-data (e.g. all pages with Project = CFU ) would require that meta -data is systematically entered on each AIS page. This would be difficult to enforce without implementing a rigid front end tool for publishing. Rather, we suggest that AIS users take full advantage of the search engines search syntax (e.g. CFU + Project). Since AIS users are not always aware of how to take maximum advantage of the search engine possibilities, it will be necessary to create a help page, with simple examples, covering all search cases. 7. Authoring and publishingIt is not clear what is the level of assistance needed by Web authors for publishing on the WEB. For some authors, it is important to reduce the publishing task to the minimum (entering text, for technical notes for example), while others want to retain a fair amount of freedom when publishing.Templates will provide to WEB authors a quick way to get started on their documentation tasks, while leaving them the possibility to add/modify them as needed. General layout imposed by CSS should however not be modified. Templates should be available in English and in French to suit the WEB author's preferred language. Templates must propose naming conventions (MinDDMMYYYY for minutes) and enforce the recommended file extension .html We suggest to implement the following templates:
8. WEB based applicationsAs far as possible, developers of WEB based applications should follow the User Interface guidelines set up by the User Interface task force.In addition we suggest to implement, as part of of the AIS Web site, a thin top page banner containing the AIS logo, which developers are encouraged to systematically place as a header on their application pages. From inside the application, clicking on the application logo must bring the use to the application desktop. On the application desktop page, clicking on the logo should bring the user to the application home page. On each page of the application must appear a reference to AIS support and a CERN copyright stamp. 9. Site administrationIt is the role of the WEB master to perform all tasks related to WEB site administration and maintenance. These tasks, which do not include all the tasks necessary for the design of the site, are listed below:
Today, two software appear on the Top list for management of sites between 500 and 1000 pages. They are Microsoft Frontage and NetObjects NetObjects Fusion. We have performed a brief evaluation of both tools, as well as simpler tools such as of Visual Page and have come to the conclusion that Microsoft Frontpage provides, at the moment, most of the functionality needed for design, administration and maintenance. In order to ensure that this software actually is the best match to our requirements, we suggest to use Microsoft Frontpage to implement the prototype for the AIS web site. Note that new software appear on the market, such as Oracle WebDB, which claims to provide a complete integration of the Web site and of underlying Oracle databases. These software are not mature yet but might be worth switching to in the future. In order to to set up a test environment, install Microsoft Front page, evaluate new tools and new versions, we think that a dedicated PC is necessary. In addition, if we confirm this choice, AIS will have to purchase Microsoft Frontpage Web authoring licenses for all AIS members. Finally, we estimate that, to cover the design and implementation phases, no less than 50% of a FTE will be needed. In a full production phase, this could be reduced to a 30% of a FTE. 10. Migration to new siteOver the last three years, AIS has produced a large number of pages on the WEB. Migrating to the new AIS site will consist in:
We recommend that the DB-SU management set up a migration schedule where persons responsible for applications put aside the time necessary to migrate their pages. PIE and CFU volunteer to migrate first. We are concerned that, the more this migration is belated, the more difficult it will become, because important documentation on new strategies , new projects etc. .. are being created now. Ideally the migration to the new AIS web site should be completed my mid 99. 11. Next stepsThe project team suggests to prepare an implementation plan, using Microsoft project, in order to break down all tasks and outline their dependencies.Then the Project Team, together with DB-SU management will also define
priorities amongst the tasks, as well as the minimum required to bring
the site to life and start using it. The project team will proposes to create implementation sheets for sub tasks with the necessary specifications, so that these tasks are worked on as resources become available. As an example, one needs to specify the requirements for the alert zone so that it can be developed as an independent task. We feel that the effort of designing a new web site will be lost if no strategy for using the site is developed and clearly stated to the AIS members. Elements of such a strategy should be: Back to TOC |
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