Visits/Guides Project
Aims and objectives
General requirements
Related documents
The ETT-VE-VR section is responsible for the organization of the visits
to CERN. For each of these visits, one or more guide is appointed, depending
on his/her knowledge about the site to be visited. The list of guides is
maintained in a FileMaker database, and for the schedules of the visits
the "Now Up-To-Date" program is used.
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Aims and Objectives
The aim of the project is to port the FileMaker database
used by the ETT-VE-VR section to the Web and integrate it with the other
Foundation applications. This will reduce the data duplication currently
necessary to enter a guide into the FileMake db. To ease the maintenance
of the application afterwards, as many common building blocks as possible
should be used (report generating tool, common login, common menu system,...).
A second aim is the implementation of a system to replace the "Now
Up-To-Date" program, in which the visit schedules are maintained.
The advantage of this program is the simple publication of the schedules
on the Web, but the data that can be entered is not at all structured,
making it very difficult to make overviews and statistics. The most important
information in this respect is the number visits a guide has done, which,
at the moment, is extracted from the free format description of the visit.
The new software handling the visits will contain two parts: a data entry
part, and a reusable tool to display the schedule in calendar format on
the Web.
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Product owner |
Paola Catapano |
Group leader ETT-VE |
Project owner |
Reinoud Martens (ReM) |
Group leader AS-CIS |
Product leader |
Rolf Maeder (RoM) |
Responsible of the FileMaker db |
Project leader |
Wim van Leersum (WvL) |
Team members |
Radu Eftimie (RE) |
Consultant |
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General Requirements
Since the application will be part of the Foundation
suite of applications, it must be implemented in the same environment. This
- Oracle Designer/2000 as CASE tool for the development
- Oracle Web server (OAS) for the deployment
- Foundation database to store the data (Oracle
- SQL report tool for the implementation of the
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We had an initial requirements session on the 11th
of November. An evolutionary process will implement the system in two
- Creation of a prototype
to define the requirements in more detail and to show the look-and-feel
of the new system
- Creation of the Software Requirements Specifications
- Acceptation by Rolf Maeder of the prototype and SRS
- Detailed design of the Guide module
- Building
of the guide module
- Test data load guides from FileMaker db
- Test guide module
- Final data load/Production guide module
- Database design/generation for the visits
- Visit request module implementation
- Visit scheduling module implementation
- Visit modules test
- Visit reports implementation
- Visit production
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Related Documents
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