4. Reference guide to HR screens for recruitmentApplicant Vacancy Campaign New Application Boards Interview Bulk Terminate Details Positions Some basic concepts: * Applicant: is a person who has sent an application form to CERN or who has phoned and asked for an application form. The concept of applicant can be as vague as the user wants. An applicant can apply to as many vacant posts as he/she wishes. * Application: is, in the most general sense, any post that an applicant has applied for. In general, an application form sent by an applicant will be an application in Oracle HR. But there are cases when an applicant is, for instance, considered for a post that he/she has not explicitly applied for. Then it is necessary to create a new application in Oracle HR. Note: applications can be copied and then only the information that has changed needs to be modified by the user. * Application status: is the status of an application. The status is the indicator of where in the life cycle the application is. The application has as a first status either "application received" or "application form sent to applicant" and then, depending on the steps in the life cycle the applicant obtains, the status can change to "contract signed" or "ex-applicant". An application doesn't need to follow all the steps of a life cycle, application statuses can be skipped and there is no defined order to follow. 4.1 Definition of recruitment structures4.1.1 Positions\NAPD Navigate Applicant Position Define This screen is used to enter and maintain positions. * Date First you define the valid date range for the position. * Name In this field you've got a concatenated information and when you enter into the field, a window pops up. The nature of the position can be either mission (temporary manpower) or post (for staff). The class tells you whether it is an internal or an external position. The post type determines the contract: long term, short term or research physicist. Thereafter, you enter the year when the position has been defined and the number of the position in that year. * Organisation The internal organizational unit for which the position has been opened. * Job The job code. In the zone standard conditions you enter the *working hours (a number of hours), the *frequency (month, day...) and * normal start / end time (in the format HH:MM). 4.1.2 Requisition and Vacancies\NAV Navigate Applicant Vacancy This screen is used to enter and to maintain vacancies and requisitions. Requisitions are raised when divisions or groups want to open one or several posts. If the users don't want to keep track of the requisitions, they can create a dummy one. Vacancies are opened within a requisition and therefore cannot exist without a valid requisition. If the vacancy is for a post, which staff vacancies normally are, the position must be defined before the vacancy. The positions are defined in \NAPD. * Requisition The requisition's name is generated automatically by the system but the user can change it. There can be several vacancies linked to one requisition. The field 'Description' is used to give a more specific title to the requisition. The dates indicate the period during which the requisition is opened. In the field "Raised by" you can enter the name of the person who has raised the requisition. With PICK you'll retrieve a list of persons. * Vacancy In this zone it is essential to enter the organization for which the vacancy is raised and the position. The position contains concatenated information and has to be identified in \NAPD. To be able to find the position you press PICK and all the positions related to the chosen organization will appear. If the vacancy is for a technical student, a summer student, a paid or an unpaid associate or a fellow, it is necessary to enter the organisation and the job code. There are no positions defined for these categories. The career path is entered for all categories except for summer students and technical students. There exist special pseudo career paths for fellows and associates (FELL, ASSO). The name of the vacancy is generated automatically by the system but may be changed. In the field * Description you can enter a more specific name for the vacancy. Openings define the number of persons allowed for that vacancy and in the field * Status you define the state of the vacancy in the life cycle. Under 'Recruiter' you can either enter the recruiter's name or the CERN identification number. In the descriptive flexfield under "Miscellaneous " you can enter additional vacancy details. The elements are the following: - Second professional code, which is entered for a staff vacancy - First discipline, a code to indicate the discipline (two letters). The disciplines and the activities are entered only for summer students. - Second discipline - Third discipline - First activity, a code to indicate the activity (two figures) - Second activity - Third activity If you want to link a second (or third...) vacancy to the requisition, you save your vacancy by pressing F3, press \RI and enter the information in the fields mentioned above. 4.1.3 Recruitment Activities\NAC Navigate Applicant Campaign This screen is used to enter and maintain recruitment activities. A recruitment activity can be an advertisement, a selection board, etc. -- any activity that is triggered in the process of recruiting somebody. Recruitment activities are classified according to the type of activity and depending on the type of activity there exists a descriptive flexfield. Vacancies can be linked to a recruitment activity. * Recruitment activity The type of recruitment activity describes the nature of the recruiting event and for most of the types the name is generated automatically giving a code related to the type. There exists several different types of recruitment activities: - Advertisement - Careers Fair - Fellow Selection Committee - General - General Advert - Scientific Associate Selection Committee - Selection Board - Special Event - Summer Students Selection - Technical Student Selection Committee * Organization The organization can be either an internal organization unit (for boards and committees) or external organizations if the activity is for example an advertisement. Information about the costs can be entered. Thereafter information on who authorized the activity, the external and internal contact is entered. If the recruitment activity is a part of another recruitment activity you enter that information under 'Within recruitment activity name'. For example an advertisement in a newspaper can be one part of the recruitment of fellows. If the activity is a selection board, additional information may be found in the descriptive flexfield such as time and place of the activity. Under 'Recruiting for' you can fill in the vacancies that are associated to the recruitment activity. 4.1.4 Quick applicant entry\NAN Navigate Applicant New This screen is used when you want to do a quick entry of an applicant. The cases when the use of this screen can be appropriate is when the applicant is on the phone asking for an application form and you want to quickly enter the most relevant data. The screen cannot be used if the person already exists in the system. If you want to do some modifications once the applicant is entered you'll have to use \NAA or \NPI. The screen has four areas: Applicant The personal information related to the applicant and the status of the application. Address The applicant's private address. Application The general information concerning the application. Vacancy applied for Information about the vacancy for which the applicant has applied. To find an explanation to the various fields go to \NPI and \NAA. 4.1.5 Application\NPI Navigate Personal Information This screen is used to enter/maintain detailed personal information on employees and applicants. As an applicant is a person, this screen is used to enter an applicant and it is necessary to use this screen when you want to update or correct the applicant's data. When the person is only an applicant, his/her person type will be "Applicant". In other cases the quickpick list provides all the different person types. The fact of entering a person with the person type "Applicant" gives access to the information related to the application. This information you can find in the zone "Additional Person Details" under the option "Application", which leads you to a new screen and this zone is not available for updates; it visualizes the applicant's most recent application. It is very important to enter as much information on the person (personal information, application and addresses) the first time you're about to do it, verify the information and then commit the transaction. Enter personal information screen \NAA Navigate Applicant Assignment This screen is used to enter and maintain detailed information about an applicant's application(s). Details of an application The screen is divided into three zones: Applicant This zone is a search box where you can find a person entering the first letters in the last name or the applicant number. Application for
However, applications for fellowship, technical students require to be linked to a recruitment activity as positions are not defined for these categories, e.g. enter the code for the fellow selection committee. In the field contract you must identify the job code and the career path (special paths for fellows, associates etc.). In this zone you will also find the field 'status' that has by default the value 'application received'. A pick list is available for you to find all the other possible statuses. Additional assignment information
Application source, Probation period and standard conditions, Supervisor, Miscellaneous which contains important information (see screen below), Secondary status (indicates where the application form is, who has got it) and Budget values (not used for the moment). Extra information on an application Miscellaneous contains the following fields: * Budgetary nationality The budgetary nationality of the applicant. * Other publicity Where the applicant found the vacancy. * Application type The type of application, e.g. Corresponding fellow, Normal, Internal, etc. * Application class The classification of the applicant according to the country's name selection criteria or for staff application the age category. * Preferred start date The date from which the applicant can start working. * Preferred termination date The preferred end date, usually used for summer students. * Home support amount The amount paid by the home institute. * Home support currency The home support's currency. * Professional code 2 * Grade and step * Number of dependent children The number of dependent children in order to calculate an estimated amount of the candidate. * Projected monthly cost The estimated monthly cost amount for CERN of the hiring of an applicant. 4.1.6 Selection Boards and Committees\NAB Navigate Applicant Boards This screen is used to manage selection boards and committees. In the first zone you enter the searching criteria and then in the second zone you'll retrieve all the applications that correspond to these criteria. There are several ways to use this screen: I. Entering the vacancy in the first zone and obtaining all applications received for that vacancy. Thereafter, you can change the status of the applications one by one and distribute the name of the recruitment activity (FSC-1995-1, AS-DB-1995-1) to the applicants that are going to be for example invited to the board. II. Entering the name of the recruitment activity and obtaining in the second zone the applicants that have applied for that recruitment activity. There again, you can change the status for those applicants where it is appropriate.
4.1.7 Applicant Interview\NAI Navigate Applicant Interview The screen is used to enter/maintain interviews for an applicant and is divided into four different zones. In the first zone you search for your applicant. In the second zone appears the information on the applications. The third zone has got the following fields: * Type To enter the type of the interview, for example individual interview. * Location To enter the place/location where the interview is going to take place. * Date To enter the start and end date of the interview. * Time To enter the start and end time for the interview. * New status To enter the status of the application at the time and date of the interview. This is the status the applicant will get at the day of the interview. For example the old status might be 'Selected' and when the applicant is interviewed he/she is getting the new status 'Invited'. The fourth zone leads you to a new page where you can enter the name of the interviewers.
4.1.8 Bulk Changes4.1.8.1 Bulk Application Status changes \NABS Navigate Applicant Bulk Status This screen is used to change the application status of several applications at the same time. You start with filling in all the needed selection criteria in the first zone, the actual application status and the new status that you want to give the applications. Thereafter, you enter the second zone and run the query (the zone is automatically in query mode) which will display all the applications matching the criteria specified in the first zone. If the status of an application is to be changed it has to be specified. In that case you alter the 'No' to 'Yes' in the field "Change status", then all the applications for which 'Yes' have been specified will be changed to the new status when you commit the transaction. Bulk Referrals \NABR Navigate Applicant Bulk Referrals This screen is used to change the recruiter for several applications at the same time. You start with filling in all the needed selection criteria in the first zone, the current recruiter and the new recruiter that will handle the applications. Thereafter, you enter the second zone and execute the query (the zone is automatically in query mode). The applications matching the criteria specified in the first zone will appear. If the recruiter for an application is to be changed it has to be specified. In case you alter the 'No' to 'Yes' in the field "Change recruiter", all the applications for which 'Yes' have been specified will be changed when you commit the transaction.
4.2 Special Information Types specific to recruitment\NAD Navigate Applicant Details On this screen you can enter and maintain so called special information concerning an applicant. The special information types for an applicant are the following: * Discipline and activity - to enter the discipline, the order of preference and the activity as stated by an applicant in his/her application form. * Forms received - If the different forms have been received. * Languages - to enter the language proficiency. * Professional experience - to enter the professional experience already acquired by an applicant. * Publications - to enter the title of the publication that the applicant has written. In the field 'Comments' it is possible to enter information on the publication; subject, conclusions etc. * Qualifications - to enter the qualifications and where they have been obtained; country and institute. You can also indicate if a photocopy has been received. * Reference - to enter the name of the person mentioned as a reference.
4.3 Terminating an Applicant\NAT Navigate Applicant Terminate This screen is used to terminate or to reactivate an applicant. The person type will be changed to "Ex-applicant" and an end date will be put on all the applicant's applications. It is also possible to change the status back to "Applicant" in the case you made an error. This is done by entering 'Yes' in the field "Initiate cancellation". The effects of terminating an applicant are: - the applicant becomes an ex-applicant. - all applications are terminated. The procedures to follow depending on the type of application 1. Define the position. This is done only for staff. 2. Define the vacancy. For a staff vacancy enter the requisition and under "Vacancy" enter the organisation, the contractual elements, the position (will automatically give the job code), the vacancy details and the secondary professional title (exists in the descriptive flexfield). For summer students there are two ways to define a vacancy: Either to enter a requisition and under "Vacancy" enter each summer student vacancy (the organization, the contract, the job and the vacancy details with one or more openings. Or enter one vacancy for all the summer students for the organisation CERN and with maybe 100 openings. It is important to enter the discipline and the activity required. The vacancies for fellows, technical students and cooperants are defined in the same way. No position is specified, the grade is different but otherwise they are defined as the staff vacancies. 3. Define the campaign which can be a Fellow Selection Committee, a Selection Board, an advertisement in a newspaper etc. 4. Enter the applicant and his/her applications in \NPI and the special information in \NAD. Fill in information in the necessary fields. Check first if the person exists already in the database. |
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