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5. Reference guide to HR screens for User's Office

warning ! : THIS CHAPTER IS OBSOLETE SINCE THE GRAY BOOK DATALOADING (10/1998) : home institute data and participation to experiment data structures have changed. These data will be maintained through the PIE (Persons, Institutes and Experiments) interface : the user guide will be included to the PIE documentation.


Affiliation Experiment

5.1 Affiliations

\NUA Navigate UOffice Affiliation

This screen is used to manage information about external employment.

The screen is divided into three zones:

In the first zone you search for the person to whom you want to enter an affiliation.

The second zone is automatically entered by the system.

In the third zone you've got the possibility to define the period in which the person is linked to an institute.

In detail you can enter:

* Responsible Institute

The institute which has sent the person to CERN and for whom the person is actually working.

* Institute of origin

This is the person's home institute; the person's original institute.

* Professional code

The person's professional code at the responsible institute.

5.2 Experiments

\NUE Navigate UOffice Experiments

As the previous screen, even this screen is divided into three zones with one search box, one special information type name and the associated details. In the third zone you've got the possibility to enter the period of assignment to an experiment, the name of the experiment and the percentage worked for this experiment.
