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6. Reference Guide to other HR screens

6.1 View lists



People Assignment Organization Element Special Absence Team Role

\NVL Navigate View List

This screen allows the retrieval of information on-line in the form of lists using various selection criteria.

The following lists are available:

- People

- Assignment

- Organization

- Element

- Special (Information )

- Absence

- Team

- Role

The view lists transactions have been tuned to optimize performance, however, remember that:

- the most restrictive queries will be the quickest. On the contrary, queries which would retrieve a large number of rows (> 100) will be slow.

- these screens are not meant to produce reports.

- you will only be able to print the contents of the screen and not the entire list (using \SP).

\NVLP Navigate view List People

This screen is used to view a list of people corresponding to chosen selection criteria, i.e. person types.

List all people

The screen is divided into two zones:

Selection criteria

* Type

Choose the type of person you want to see from the picklist.

* Employee/Applicant


All: You can select all employees or applicants (previous and actual).

Yes: actual employees or applicants.

No: ex-employees or ex-applicants.

* Payroll

Payroll assigned or not (picklist).


* Name

By pressing F2 all records matching the above selection criteria will be displayed alphabetically in this zone with their Name, First Name, Employee/Applicant Number.

To perform a limited query in this zone, enter query mode first, then enter a selection criteria (as explained in section Basic Concepts) and press EXECUTE QUERY.

\NVLAs Navigate View List Assignment

This screen is used to view a list of employees by defined assignment criteria.

List people by assignment

The screen is divided into two zones:

Selection criteria

* Organization

Choose the Organization you want from the picklist.

It is recommended to perform a limited query in this zone. Enter the selection criteria directly (Division, division-group-section, etc...)

Enter the selection criteria in the following fields:

* Contract

* Career path (picklist)

* Payroll (picklist)

* Job (picklist)

* Position (picklist)

* Employees or Applicants

* Current (picklist)

* Status

To pass from the selection zone to the assignment zone you must use the page down key.


* Name

Press F2.

This zone will list all employees/applicants matching the selection criteria with the employee or applicant number and the assignment number.

\NVLAsC Navigate View List of Assignments Contracts

This screen is used to view a list of employees by defined assignment criteria.

The screen is divided into two zones:

Selection criteria

* Organization

Choose the Organization you want from the picklist.

To perform a limited query in this zone, enter the selection criteria directly (Division, division-group-section, etc...).

Enter the selection criteria in the following fields:

* Group

* Career Path

* Payroll

* Job

* Position

* Status

* Employees or Applicants or both

To pass from the selection zone to the assignment zone you must use the page down key.


* Name

All records matching the selection criteria are listed alphabetically in this zone with Name, Employee/Applicant and Assignment number.

\NVLO Navigate View List Organization

This screen allows to view a list of employees by Organization (CERN, Division, Group).

The screen is divided into three zones:

Organization Hierarchy

* Name

* Primary


* Name

* Type

* Manager


All employees matching the selection criteria are listed by Name, Title, First Name, the identification Number, their Organizational Assignment and managerial information.

\NVLE Navigate View List Element

This screen allows to view a list of employees according to selected elements.

The screen is divided into two zones:

Selection criteria

* Element (picklist)

* Input currency: by default CHF.

* Current Employee : All

* Dates From... To

Element Entries

All employees matching the selection criteria will be displayed in this zone with their Assignment Number and details on the element defined. No order is defined for this list.

\NVLS Navigate View List Special

This screen allows to view a list of all employees by special information.

The screen is divided into three zones:

Special Information Type

Choose the special information type you want from the picklist.

Only the special information types to which you have access will be displayed.


This zone displays a flexible window to enter selected selection criteria.

Choose and ENTER.


* Name

All people matching the selection criteria will be displayed in this zone with name, person type, employee/applicant number, start and end dates and further details. The list is in alphabetical order.

To perform a limited query in this zone,

press ENTER QUERY [F5], enter the selection criteria (see 'queries and updates') and press EXECUTE QUERY [F2].

To display only people with a validity period within two dates, proceed as follows:


Type & in the first field and press EXECUTE QUERY

Oracle HR will display a message line at the bottom, of the screen

"Query where ......?

Enter : date_from >= to_date ('31-DEC-1992', 'DD-MON-YYYY')

\NVLAb Navigate View List Absence

This screen allows to view all absences , the period of absences of employees.

The screen is divided into two zones

The screen is divided into two zones:

Selection criteria

* Absence Type

Choose the leave type you want from the picklist.

* Absence Category

The corresponding category is automatically displayed.

* Organization

Choose from the picklist.

* Start and End Dates

To display a selected absence type for a given period, enter the dates DD-MMM-YY, otherwise no dates are entered.

Enter the absence type with a start date in the Selection Criteria zone.


* Employee name

All employees matching the selection criteria are displayed with Name, Title, First Name, Employee Number, Start and End Dates and the Type of Absence.

All absences valid at the given Start Date are displayed (not only the ones which begin after the Start Date given).

/NVLR Navigate View List Roles

This screen allows to view all roles held by the employees.

The screen is divided into two zones:

Selection Criteria

* Persons Name

* Organization (picklist)

* Account (picklist)


In this zone all persons and roles are displayed.

/ NVLT Navigate View List Team

This screen allows to view a list of persons depending on a team leader or team account.

This screen is divided into two zones:

Selection Criteria

* Team leader (picklist)

* Team account (picklist)

* Description name of the team

Team Members

All members of the team are listed in this zone

6.2 View History



Assignment Entry Grade step Costing Absence Applicant

\NVHAs Navigate View History Assignment

This screen allows you to view an employee's history assignment.

The screen is divided into three zones


* Name

Search for the employee's name.

* Number

Search for the employee's identification number.

* Type

Search for the type.

Service history

In this zone appears the service periods of the person. This zone is scrolled.

Assignment History

Appear the history assignment.

Warning:In the ' Service History' zone you will first get the last or current period of service of an employee. An employee may have been at CERN before and therefore has been an EXMP . This can be seen when entering in the 'Assignment History' zone where would appear a number <> 1 in the Assignment Sequence Field.If so is the case, you must go back to the ' Service History' zone with Page Up, press Next Record and do Page Down again to see the previous period of service and the corresponding assignment.

\NVHE Navigate View History Element

This screen allows to view various elements entries.

After selecting the employee, you may go to the ' Selection Criteria' zone and only ask for the element you are interested in. For this go to the field 'Name' and press pick to select the element you want then move to the next zone.

The screen is divided into three zones:


* Name

* Assignment Number

* Type

* Current

Selection Criteria

* Date : from...to

* Element

Element Entries

In this zone are displayed the various element entries.

\NVHG Navigate View History Grade and Step

This screen allows to view the grade and step of an employee.

The screen is divided into two zones:


* Name

* Assignment Number

* Type

Placement History

\NVHC Navigate View History Costing

This screen is divided into two zones:


* Name

* Assignment Number

* Type

Costing History

In this zone is displayed the corresponding list.

\NVHAb Navigate View History Absence

This screen is divided into two zones:


* Name

* Number

* Type

* Employment Category


In this zone are displayed all the absences of the employee mentioned in the previous zone.

\NVHAp Navigate View History Applicant

This screen is divided into three zones:


* Name

* Number

* Type

* Employment category


* Date Received

* Date Completed

* Successful

Assignment History

In this zone are displayed all the applications of an applicant.

6.3 Run Reports


Reports Outputs Letters

\NRR Navigate Run Reports

In this screen you can create reports and send them to the chosen printer. The screen consists of one zone with the following fields:

* Type

From the picklist choose the type of report you want to produce. There exists two choices: report and set.

* Name

From the picklist choose the name of the report. All the existing reports are stored in a picklist.

* Application

The name of the application that will generate the report.

* Parameters

To define the selection criteria. Date from is quite often mandatory to enter.

* Id

This number is automatically generated by the system once the report is saved.

* Report options

In the picklist there are two options: run and printer. The option run gives us the opportunity to submit and resubmit a report by defining the time of day or the interval and end time and date. The printer option defines the printer, the print style and the number of copies.

* Parameter description

A field that shows you the information related to the line on which the cursor is positioned.

When all the necessary information is entered, you save the report and at the same time the report is sent to the printer.

Be Careful: Some reports such as contracts may only run if you are at a correct session date. For example, to print a summer student contract you need to change the session date ( do \NODC because F12 does not work for this screen) to give then the id number of the summer student concerned.

Run report screen

\NRO Navigate Run Outputs

This screen is used to visualize the printed reports on the screen, to get information about errors and to see the details for a given report. The screen is blank when you enter but by pressing execute query (F2), you'll obtain a list of all your launched reports. If you remember the id number of your report, you can put the screen into query mode, specify the query by entering only the id number and executing the query.

* View

For a given report you've got the possibility to see the following:

- Details: to view report's details and modify aspects of a concurrent request.

- Report: the report is posted on the screen.

- Log: gives information on the processing of the report and where eventual errors have occurred.

* Id

The report's identity number.

* Phase

The phase in which the report is; pending, running and completed.

* Priority

The priority of the report in the list.

* Program

The name of the printed report.

* Requester

The user's identity in the system.

* Parent id

Under "current request parameters" is posted information about the report that the cursor is indicating.

To print a report you must go to \NRO , choose Details in the first column of your completed report, then enter 'Reprint = Yes ' plus the name of the printer at the bottom of the page. Validate the change with F3 and the report will be printed.

\NRL Navigate Request letter

This screen is used to manage letters to applicants.

The screen is divided into two zones:


* Letter name

Choose from the picklist.

Requested for

* Name

Enter the person name.

6.4 Delete a person

\NPD Navigate Person Delete

This screen is used to delete a person completely from the database. There will be no trace from the person left after having launched this transaction. Before deleting the person it is very important to make sure that this is really the person that you want to delete. To see more details on the person, go to \NPI.


The sticky cursor will post a person .

If you want to find another person put the screen into query mode, enter the searching criteria and run the query.

Check the posted information and proceed by pressing \NPD then doing \RD (row delete).

You will then get a message from the system : ' Deletion removes ALL the person's details from the system. Continue?'

You must answer Yes or No .

If you answer with a 'Y' all the information connected to this person will be removed/deleted from the database. If you enter a 'N' the record will still exist in the database.

If you made a mistake and you don't want to delete that record there will be a second chance cause as soon as you press any key you'll get a new message on the bottom line of the screen asking you if you want to commit the changes. If you answer 'N" the changes will not be taken into account; if you answer 'Y' you will commit the changes. To commit changes press F3 .

Delete Person Screen
