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8. Glossary of HR Terms

This glossary gives the definition of all terms commonly used in Oracle HR.

Applicant       A candidate for employment at CERN, to a specific post or not or    
                to one of CERN employment programmes.                               
Application     In general, an application form sent by an applicant.               
Application     A descriptive label providing concise information about an          
status          application's progress. The application statuses are : -            
                application received - contract offered - contract signed -         
                longlisted - application form sent to applicant - invited -         
                reserve - selected - attended - enquiry - not attended -            
                preselected - considered on paper - application checked             
                (complete) - not preselected - application not completed -          
                postponed - not selected                                            
Area            A collection of logically related fields in a zone, marked off      
                from the fields by dotted lines.                                    
Assignment      An employee's overall assignment identifies his or her role and     
                Payroll within CERN. The overall assignment is made up of           
                assignment components.                                              
Assignment      A number which uniquely identifies an employee's overall            
number          assignment. It is automatically generated by Oracle HR and should   
                not  be modified.                                                   
Assignment      A descriptive label providing concise information about an          
status          employee's assignment. The assignment statuses are:  - active       
                paid assignment - active unpaid assignment - arrival not yet        
                confirmed - early retirement - paid special leave - unpaid          
                special leave - suspend assignment                                  
Business Group  The highest level organization in the Oracle Human Resources        
                system, CERN.                                                       
Contact         A person who has a relationship to an employee that one wants to    
                record. Contacts can be dependants, relatives or persons to         
                contact in an emergency. Employees themselves may be contacts.      
Costing         Recording the cost of an assignment for accounting or reporting     
Date to  Date   These fields are used in forms which are not subject to             
from            DateTrack. The period one enters in these fields remain fixed       
                until the values in either of these fields are changed.             
DateTrack       When one changes the session date (either to past or future),       
                DateTrack makes it possible to enter information that takes         
                effect on the new session date and to review information as of      
                the new date.                                                       
Deleting        People are deleted when one totally erases their records from the   
people          database using the Delete Person form.                              
Descriptive     A flexible zone of a screen which is used to record CERN specific   
flexfield       information, which is not part of the standard Oracle HR product.   
Effective       These dates are controlled by the DateTrack facility.  They show    
dates           when when a set of information becomes current and ends in          
                relation to the session date.                                       
Element         A component factor of an employee's pay. Examples of elements are   
                Subsistance allowance, Staff association membership, etc.           
Element entry   The entry of a pay element against an employee assignment. For      
                example, the entry of the amount and periodicity of a subsistance   
                allowance against a Paid Associate's contract.                      
Element link    The joining up of an element to one or more components of an        
                employee's assignment. The link establishes employee's              
                eligibility for that element. Employees whose assignment            
                components match the components of the link are eligible for the    
Discretionary   An element link that one has to enter manually. Non-recurring       
link            elements always have discretionary links. Recurring elements have   
                either standard or discretionary links.                             
Field           The smallest unit  in a zone where one enters, views, updates or    
                deletes information.                                                
Form            A predefined grouping of functions called from a menu and           
                displayed if necessary, on several screens. Forms have zones,       
                region and fields as their components.                              
Menus           A grouping of options used to access specific screens and           
Non-recurring   Elements that process for one payroll period only unless one        
elements        re-enters their input values. Non-recurring elements can only       
                have discretionary links to Payroll.                                
Organization    A fundamental component of Human Resources Management structures    
                and a mandatory assignmment component of employee assignments.      
                Organizations can be internal, such as Divisions/Groups/Sections,   
                or external such as institutes or schools.                          
Report          Settings for standard reports which one makes before running them   
Parameters      on the Run Reports form. Report parameters control the report       
                format and the amount of information the report includes.           
Payroll         A group of employees that the CERN payroll processes together on    
                a monthly basis.                                                    
Person type     Person types define a group of people within CERN. The person       
                types which have been defined are: - external firm staff -          
                external firm staff + applicant - paid member of personnel - paid   
                member of personnel + applicant - unpaid member of personnel -      
                unpaid member of personnel + applicant - visitor - visitor +        
Position        A specific role within CERN, derived from an Organization and a     
                job. Positions are used in the context of recruitment.              
Quick Paint     A method of obtaining database information on employee assignment   
enquiry         and applicant information. One can format this information and      
                add explanatory text.                                               
Quickpick       A pop-up window with a complete list of possible input values.      
Recruitment     An event or program to attract applications for employment.         
activity        Newspaper advertisements are an example of recruitment              
                activities. One can group several recruitment activities together   
                within an overall activity.                                         
Recurring       Elements that process regularly at a predefined frequency. Unlike   
elements        non-recurring elements that only exist for the duration of a        
                payroll period, recurring elements exist from the time one          
                creates them until they are deleted. Recurring elements can have    
                either standard or discretionary links.                             
Report          An online or printed information summary derived from Oracle        
                Human Resources records or processes.                               
Report          A list of reports and processes that can be associated with a       
security group  responsibility.                                                     
Report set      A group of reports and concurrent processes that can be             
                associated with a responsibility.                                   
Requisition     The statement of a requirement from a vacancy or group of           
Responsibility  A control category by which the system administrator can restrict   
                the access to forms (via menus), to reports and processes (via a    
                report security group) and to employee records (via a security      
Security        Security profiles control access to organizations, positions and    
profile         employee records within CERN. The system administrator use them     
                in defining users' responsibilities.                                
Session date    At logon the session date is today's date. One can change the       
                session date to a past or future date and examine or alter          
                information as of the new date.                                     
Standard link   Recurring elements with standard links have their element entries   
                automatically created for all employees whose assignment            
                components match the link.                                          
Terminating     One terminates an employee when he/she leaves the organization.     
employees       Information about the employee remains on the system but all        
                current assignments are ended.                                      
Transaction     The process of entering/updated/deleting data between two           
User profile    Features that allow system administrators and users to tailor the   
options         way Oracle Human Resources behave, to their exact requirements.     
Zone            The largest subordinate unit of a form. Every form consists of at   
                least one zone. Zones contain fields and, optionally, areas. They   
                have descriptive titles and are surrounded by rectangular zone      
                boxes. Each zone contains information relating to a specific        
                business function or entity.                                        
