' ================================
' AIS Debug variables
' ================================
Dim AISdebugSet
AISdebugSet = "N"
' =====================================
' Make sure to catch any database error
' =====================================
On Error Resume Next
' ================================
' AISNews Recordset and variables
' ================================
Dim AISNews
Dim AISNewsError
Dim AISNewsIndex
Set AISNews = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
AISNews.ActiveConnection = MM_Foundation_STRING
AISNews.Source = "select M.msg_id,M.title,M.abstract,M.author,M.details,M.urgency,M.msg_date,M.expiry_date,M.app_name,A.name from navigator.app_messages M, navigator.sys_applications A where M.app_name = A.code and trunc(sysdate) between M.msg_date and M.expiry_date-1 order by msg_date desc"
AISNews.CursorType = 0
AISNews.CursorLocation = 2
AISNews.LockType = 1
' Check that DB connection and SQL run went fine
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
AISNewsError= Err.Description
AISNewsError= "None"
End If
AISNewsIndex = 0
' ================================
' AISFocus Recordset and variables
' ================================
Dim AISFocus
Dim AISFocusError
Dim AISFocusIndex
Dim AISFocusShownAlways
Dim AISFocusToBeShown
Dim AISFocusRequestedId
Dim AISFocusContent
Dim AISUpperLeftImage
Dim AISUpperRightImage
Dim AISNextFocusId
Dim AISPreviousFocusId
Set AISFocus = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
AISFocus.ActiveConnection = MM_AISweb_STRING
AISFocus.Source = "SELECT id, title, text, upper_right_image, upper_left_image, date_from, date_to, always_shown FROM articles WHERE (articles.date_from<=Date() Or IsNull(articles.date_from)) And (articles.date_to>=Date() Or IsNull(articles.date_to)) ORDER BY articles.always_shown,articles.id;"
AISFocus.CursorType = 0
AISFocus.CursorLocation = 2
AISFocus.LockType = 1
' Check that DB connection and SQL run went fine
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
AISFocusError= Err.Description
AISFocusError= "None"
End If
AISFocusRequestedId = Request.QueryString("focusid")
' ================================
' AIS Procedures used in page
' ================================
sub getFocus()
' ===========================================
' This procedure build the focus and store it
' in the AISFocusContent variable
' ===========================================
If (AISFocus.EOF OR AISFocusError<> "None") Then
Call AISdebug("Focus query returned NO records - maybe database connection error or no focus active")
' No focus found, maybe an error connecting the database or none is active...
' Display a default hardcoded focus item
AISFocusContent= ""
AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "
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ORIAC Home PageORIAC is the financial application package used at CERN. The supplier is Inference.ORIAC was selected in 1991 after a functional requirements analysis performed at CERN followed by a market survey carried out by Price Waterhouse. ORIAC is in production since January 1992. A comprehensive documentation of ORIAC is available on the Web. The major functions supported by ORIAC are
Input into ORIAC originate (apart from manually entered transactions) from:
ORIAC is the major source of information for BHT (Budget Holders Toolkit). Here you can find a draft proposal for discussion on the options to enable more detailed analysis of team expense info. Some key figures:
Last update:
Thursday, 20-Mar-2008 9:36