' ================================
' AIS Debug variables
' ================================
Dim AISdebugSet
AISdebugSet = "N"
' =====================================
' Make sure to catch any database error
' =====================================
On Error Resume Next
' ================================
' AISNews Recordset and variables
' ================================
Dim AISNews
Dim AISNewsError
Dim AISNewsIndex
Set AISNews = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
AISNews.ActiveConnection = MM_Foundation_STRING
AISNews.Source = "select M.msg_id,M.title,M.abstract,M.author,M.details,M.urgency,M.msg_date,M.expiry_date,M.app_name,A.name from navigator.app_messages M, navigator.sys_applications A where M.app_name = A.code and trunc(sysdate) between M.msg_date and M.expiry_date-1 order by msg_date desc"
AISNews.CursorType = 0
AISNews.CursorLocation = 2
AISNews.LockType = 1
' Check that DB connection and SQL run went fine
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
AISNewsError= Err.Description
AISNewsError= "None"
End If
AISNewsIndex = 0
' ================================
' AISFocus Recordset and variables
' ================================
Dim AISFocus
Dim AISFocusError
Dim AISFocusIndex
Dim AISFocusShownAlways
Dim AISFocusToBeShown
Dim AISFocusRequestedId
Dim AISFocusContent
Dim AISUpperLeftImage
Dim AISUpperRightImage
Dim AISNextFocusId
Dim AISPreviousFocusId
Set AISFocus = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
AISFocus.ActiveConnection = MM_AISweb_STRING
AISFocus.Source = "SELECT id, title, text, upper_right_image, upper_left_image, date_from, date_to, always_shown FROM articles WHERE (articles.date_from<=Date() Or IsNull(articles.date_from)) And (articles.date_to>=Date() Or IsNull(articles.date_to)) ORDER BY articles.always_shown,articles.id;"
AISFocus.CursorType = 0
AISFocus.CursorLocation = 2
AISFocus.LockType = 1
' Check that DB connection and SQL run went fine
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
AISFocusError= Err.Description
AISFocusError= "None"
End If
AISFocusRequestedId = Request.QueryString("focusid")
' ================================
' AIS Procedures used in page
' ================================
sub getFocus()
' ===========================================
' This procedure build the focus and store it
' in the AISFocusContent variable
' ===========================================
If (AISFocus.EOF OR AISFocusError<> "None") Then
Call AISdebug("Focus query returned NO records - maybe database connection error or no focus active")
' No focus found, maybe an error connecting the database or none is active...
' Display a default hardcoded focus item
AISFocusContent= ""
AISFocusContent = AISFocusContent & "
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AIS Administrative Information Services |
Welcome to the AIS website resource pageThe AIS website (which you are currently browsing) has been developed as the unique entry point for all AIS applications, projects and service. It's addressing more than 3000 AIS users and some 60 AIS members (developers, support staff, systems staff...). The project started in November 1998 and the site was put in production in September 1999. Since then it has grown from less than 1000 pages to more than 13000. The AIS website is developed and maintained with Macromedia Dreamweaver, a web authoring tool supported by IT/IA.
Last update:
Thursday, 20-Mar-2008 10:37