Contract Follow Up -


With the ongoing implementation of the LHC and past experience with building the LEP, the need for CERN to use a comprehensive Contracts Follow Up software for managing CERN Purchase Procedures is fully acknowldeged and has indeed become critical.

To answer those needs, CFU, has designed and implemented by AIS.

The main objectives for using wide a CFU software CERN wide are:

  • to allow all divisions,services involved in a contract to share and exploit comprehensive and coherent data at all stages in a contracts life;
  • to allow the monitoring a contract lifecycle, from the initial divisional request to the contract post-mortem;
  • to provide to budget holders a comrehensive view of all financial data related to the contract;
  • to ease the flow of communication of contract related data between all services and divisions involved;
  • to provide easy access to all documents related to a contract;
  • to help all parties involved to follow contract related procedures;