In addition to the screens which allow the entry and maintenance of Contracts
Follow Up data, CFU offers you a number of utilities.
The Report
Navigator gives you access to three types of reports:
- fixed, pre-formatted standard reports (e.g.
Summary Results of Market Survey);
- dynamic reports (e.g. Valid divisional requests).
For such reports, you may enter a variety of selection criteria and
choose the information which you want to extract from CFU. The resulting
report is a list which you may also transfer to excel to tailor the
formatting to your taste;
- email lists. With these reports, you may
easily send an email, from CFU, to all persons involved in a specific
purchase procedure
facilities has been designed to allow the bulk sending of letters
using CFU data and pre-defined templates, entirely from the Web. As an
example, the Purchasing Services use mailmerge facilities (also known
as Htmlprint) to print cover letters to all suppliers contacted for a
Market Survey.
All utilities are available from the Utilities option
of the CFU main menu.