The link bewteen
the Work Unit and the financial system is made through the resource
assignments (RA). The Resource Assignment is the level at
which the cost estimate or planned value (PV) is recorded and budget
codes are attached. Before reporting, all resource assignments are
to be defined.
For financial
scheduling a distinction is made between the Planned Value (PV)
and the Cashflow (CF) that is attached to it. The PV figures are
frozen when reporting starts on the 15th April 2003 because they
reflect the technical scope of the work project, while the CF is
to be kept up to date to stick to forecast. This is true especially
for Resource Assignments of type M1 corresponding to F-type contracts.
data (planned start/finish dates, contractual/expected delivery
dates, actual and forecast dates) as well as scheduling constraints
are recorded at the deliverable (DEL) level.
Rule of
the emailing system for progress reporting
One month before
the planned start date of the workunit, an email for reporting is
sent to the workunit holder. Then every 30 days a reminder for reporting
is sent once the workunit has started and until it ends. If no reporting
is done, a reminder is sent every 8 days.
The email will
contain a link to a reporting excel file that requires two fields
per deliverable to be updated: the actual quantity and the actual
end date. If the actual end date slips, a comment field needs to
be filled in.
Furthermore, there will be an URL allowing all workunits with contracts
to be reported in the context of the contract.
PPT will provide
an automatic messaging system based on subscriptions on WUs. Subscriptions
will be automatic for all persons holding an official role such
as WU holder, Budget holder, Section Leader, Group Leader , EVM
coordinator etc .... All other persons who need to be informed will
have the possibility to subscribe specifically for the work units
they are interested in. In addition, depending on the financial
or scheduling impact of the work unit, changes will have to be approved
before it is formally validated.
status change
- A Workunit
starts with the status PL (planned)
- When the
Workunit date starts, it is automatically changed to AC (active)
- Finally
when reporting is finalised on all deliverables of the WU i.e
when actual quantity=total quantity for all the deliverables of
that particular Workunit, then the status is changed to CO (complete).
of Work Units
of a workunit will still be possible after baselining (i.e freezing
of WUs related to the cost-to-completion). Modification and deletion
will be restricted to whoever has a role for that workunit. Updating
for a bunch of work units can be done via the excel file and updating
of some specific Work units can be done via the reporting web interface.
The web interface link is represented as an icon under the workunit
short or long list view.
When accessing
the link sent to you by email, the relevant data will be presented
as an Excel file with the quantity and finish date columns non-protected
and appearing in green. You should report on the actual quantity
and on the expected finish date of the deliverable. If the finish
date ought to be postponed for more than one month delay then comments
have to be entered and an automatic alert email will be sent to
the role holders.
Once the file
updated, do not forget to save the changes and upload the file to
the database by activating the button.
Work Unit holders will have to report on deliverables for work unit
that are within a reporting time window.
When workunits
are modified, the global impact of a modification will be examined
in 3 axes:
- schedule impact which can be low (< 1 month), medium
(< 3 months) or high
- cost impact which can be low (< 1 KCHF), medium (<
5% of workunits concerned) or high. This depends on the point of
view of the person. For example, when money is shifted from one
budget code to another, the budget holders see an impact for their
budget codes, while the group leader would not see an impact if
the two codes are for his group.
- scope impact will check if the deliverable description,
equipment code or actual quantity of deliverable has changed.
Reporting of
data such as Earned Value, Schedule Variance, Actual dates and remaining
duration will be reported in PPTLHC and in CET.