A new millennium began
Last year has been a very busy year
for the Administrative
Information Services of our division.
Everybody knows about the Y2K bug: just like most other
services all around the world, our preparatory works
avoided all service disruptions which CERN could have
otherwise suffered. I wish here to thank all people
who worked on these issues in our division as well as
all other administrative divisions. And I would also
like to thank you, our users, for your patience with
us: most of our work has been quite invisible to the
user community at large in the last year, but I take
this occasion to reassure you about our continued commitment
to help you perform your administrative tasks.
To this effect, we want to increase our communications
with you and provide a variety of channels to inform
about our work, but also to be informed of your needs
and expectations. This newsletter will be a key part
of those channels.
Last October we put in production
our completely new Web
site, we have structured the site based on the
functions provided to you, rather than on our internal
hierarchical structure, this to help you find the information
you may need. A great wealth of information has been
provided by all our teams and we invite you to visit
the site and let us know what you think about it.
can find on the right various interesting information
about our applications
which appeared on our web site since last October: the
various links will bring you directly to many pages
you may or may not already know. Please explore the
ones interesting to you.
Deputy Division Leader
A newsletter,
why ?
You may wonder why, given that "everything is on
the Web": well, I personally do not look regularly
to Web sites not directly related to my work and I guess
many of you do like me.
Instead I appreciate e-newsletters: the information
comes to me directly and I can decide whether something
is relevant or not. This e-newsletter (yes, we are not
going to print it, but you can if you want to) wants
to be exactly that for you: a periodical reminder of
what has happened and what is going to happen in our
work which sooner or later will have implication on
your professional life as well.
We are trying to limit the effort needed to produce
this newsletter to a strict minimum by reusing some
other information which appeared or will appear as well
on our Web site: in a sense we are trying to send you
a whole series of keys which allow you to jump into
our Web site whenever
you spot something which interests you for your own
Another reason to limit the effort needed is to guarantee
we will manage in the future to keep editing it.
We are planning to publish the newsletter in English
only, at least for the time being. The intended frequency
of the newsletter is 3 issues a year. We will review
this based on your feedback.
We also commit ourselves to use your subscribed
e-mail for the newsletter and related matters only.
We value your feedback
and would like to know what you think about this initiative
and the newsletter in particular. We will reply to
all feedback received either personally or via the
next issue for the most general questions.
Obviously you can contact
us in French or English as you prefer. You may
already receive a lot of e-mail and may not be willing
to increase your load with this newsletter. We produced
this initial distribution list from our databases, choosing
a mix of regular users of our applications as well as
people who have contacted our helpdesk in the last two
months but excluding external users.
We have compiled the initial distribution list for the
newsletter to include all of the Administration plus
users who have contacted us via the helpdesk or who
have recently logged in our applications. This is the
only issue you will get unless you subscribe. If you
want to be added to our distribution list, just click
on the Subscribe button on top of this page.
In any case feel free to forward this e-mail to colleagues
who may be interested, they will be able to subscribe
by filling in their e-mail address and clicking the
Subscribe button.
Achille Petrilli
You have the opportunity
to express your thoughts and opinions about our articles
by e-mail.
This might be an opportunity for interactivity. If we
receive enough comments from you, we could publish them
in our Newsletter and this way you can also find out
what your colleagues have to say.
Please let us know how you find this newsletter:
is AIS?
AIS is the
combination of activities provided by three groups
in AS division:
Internet Development
Systems and Application
is behind AIS?
Have a look at our Organisational
do we do?
Our main objective is to provide
CERN with a set of integrated and reliable Administrative
Information Systems.
Business map gives a view of the AIS coverage
of Administrative Business Process. (Published
on 10/02/2000)
questions per year!
As our user base involves potentially the whole of
CERN, and now also includes many external collaborating
users, we offer support for all of our AIS
Applications and Services
via the AIS Helpdesk.
Please don't hesitate to contact us at ais.support@cern.ch
or telephone (+41 22 76)79933. (Published
on 19/10/1999)
: an electronic signature every 20 seconds!
EDH stands
for Electronic Document Handling. EDH
is an application widely used at CERN, by over 2000
users per day. EDH
simplifies the creation of many administrative and
financial documents. You can find detailed documentation
for documents such as the Leave
Request, Training
Request, Shipping Request, Purchase Order - DAI,
Request, Transaction Inter Divisionaire - TID
and others. EDH
is in a transition period, moving from the EDH 2.1
client-server version to the Web. This makes EDH
accessible from outside CERN with a minimum requirement
which is a Web browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer)
version 4 or higher. After sending your document,
the EDH Workflow Manager will automatically determine
who needs to approve your document, and then forward
it to them for their electronic signature. A new Workflow
Manager based on a standard solution from ORACLE is
being phased in. (Published
on 02/11/1999)
ORIAC: 1'000'000
financial transactions per year!
is dedicated to managers in charge of administrative
and financial services. ORIAC
at CERN is used by specialists from Finance Division.
This application is in production since the 1st of January
1992. A new version of
the application using a web based interface is being
developed and will be introduced in 2000 or early 2001.
(Published on 18/02/2000)
of cake!
stands for People, Institutes and Experiments.
The objective of the project is to provide
a single coherent set of high quality data
concerning Experiments, Collaboration, Institutes
and People participating in these activities,
to both Collaborations and the CERN central services.
(Published on 05/10/1999)
me !
The Contracts
Follow Up Web based application now covers
the entire Purchase Procedure life cycle,
from the Divisional Request, to the Market Survey,
Price Enquiry, Invitation to Tender and the
actual Contract... To
get an introduction to CFU, please try the CFU
Quick Tour!
(Published on 30/11/1999)
Track for LHC!
Progress Tracking
is a relatively new AIS
application. It allows CERN
experiments to easily organise and keep track
of their projects, even when they involve
institutes and contractors spread all over the
world. Currently, this tool is being used to
help the ATLAS and CMS experiments keep track
of their manufacture and assembly, as well as
internally for our own AIS project. This new
version features e-mail report submission, export
to Microsoft Project and Excel,
and a full event system which lets you track
branches of projects that are most important
to you, and stay informed when things change!
(Published on 20/01/2000)

e-handling with care!
Project (Electronic Document Handling) is
currently re-designing all documents from the
old EDH 2.1 client-server application for use
on the Web. Work is currently being done on
the Shipping Request, Leave Request, Leave Overview
and the List of Leaves. Also new Workflow Engine
is being progressively deployed for all documents.
Right now there are three documents routed in
the new Workflow Engine - DAI, Material Request
and TID, next will be OSVC and then all the
rest. (Published on 06/03/2000)
Autumn leaves
CERN leave
rules and regulations are becoming more and
more complex and the current system does not
always give a clear image of leave entitlement
history (RSL bonus days, years of service extra
days, transfers of one balance to another etc).
This is why the "Leaves" projects aims to simplify
the leave management system and to provide through
new EDH documents a better and clearer view
of leave transactions to end users. Other documents
will also help part-time employees to manage
their "free-time". (Published
on 13/03/2000)

Special offer!
The application
is an online auction system on the Web, with
which anyone having a valid AIS login id can
offer equipment owned by CERN for sale.
The system has been fully integrated with the
inventory system. Active or obsolete items can
be picked from the division's inventory and
offered for sale. Find out more (Published
on 20/03/2000)
Let's join the group!
This project
concerns the new data structure for the registration
of new structures and roles in Foundation. The
old data structure of roles (for a CERN unit),
profiles and signature rights was implemented
for the EDH routing, and only the roles are
reused by other applications. The new structure
will avoid a number of problems we encounter
with the maintenance, and will implement new
requirements coming from applications other
than EDH. (Published on 27/03/2000)

A touch of classification
This joined AS/SPL project aims at introducing
a single classification standard, thereby
replacing the heterogeneous set of classification
structures in use at CERN. This project
was approved by LAC (Logistics Advisory Committee),
the AIS priorities board, and is the result
of a 6-year-old strategy to bring some coherence
in the various coding systems used at CERN.
The success of this project is prerequisite
for many business process streamlining projects
in the future (e-price inquiries, integration
between purchasing system and inventory system,
etc..). (Published on 03/04/2000)

Who's next?
Did you know that the Person
Administration for Divisions will replace
the current ORACLE*HR user interface for divisional
users. PAD should be much more adapted to user's
needs and will provide a read-only person overview
screen. (Published on 10/04/2000)
PC Support
The PC
Support service provides first-level
support for any PC user in the administrative
sector when the local expert is unavailable.
General user support
is provided
for standard Desktop NICE PC's for the
hardware and standard software (portables are
centrally supported by IT Division). Liaison
with IT Division on specific support-related
issues when necessary. (Published
on 04/01/2000)
Apple fans!
Part of the Administration
Information Services covers support for
the many Macintosh
users in the Administration. The AS, DSU, FI,
HR and SPL Divisions comprise a couple of hundred
Macintosh users relying heavily on the service
for support which includes installation, configuration,
software support, back-up, remote management
and server access for storing and sharing information.
For more details, please refer to our Macintosh
Support pages. (Published
on 15/11/1999)

as usual
Objects is a business intelligence tool
which allows non technical users to retrieve
information from our databases then analyse
it through "ad-hoc" reports. Reports may be
used for drill-down and multidimensional analysis.
It is used at CERN by computing specialists
in the administrative sector who want to provide
some users set of reports which are not provided
by CERN-wide tools like BHT
or HRT.
It is an intermediate solution for specialised
services between handmade SQL's and CERN-wide
solutions made for a large number of users.
(Published on 01/02/2000)