Contract Follow Up - QUICK TOUR


All modules of the CFU application work in the same way, using four different forms:

  • a Query Form,
  • a Record List,
  • an Insert Form
  • and a View Form

On each of this form, you will find a Top navigation bar. This bar gives you access to context related help, access to the startup page of fthe module or access to the View form of the parent information.

A Query Form is the first you encounter in a module. You put in selection criteria and press on the FIND button to get the results.
The button will clear all selection criteria, whereas the button will lead you to the Insert Form.

On date fields, please make sure you use the date format indicated DD/MM/YYYY.

A Record List displays the results of your query, previously entered in a Query Form. It presents a summary table. Clicking on the first column will take you to the Query Form for this information.Other links found in the table indicates how many rows exist for related information.

At the bottom of the recod list, CFU displays the total number of records found as a result of your query. The and buttons allow you to navigate to the first and last records found.

The button will display the next set of records, usally displayed 10 by 10.

The button will refresh the summary table by requerying the database again, using the same selection criteria.

The INSERT form allows you to enter new data. Fill in the fields and press the button. The transaction will either succeed, which will be aknowledge by a Success message, or fail with an error message for you to take action.

For some of the fields which are required, three little dots ... indicate that a List Of Values is available. Click on ... to display the List of values and then clik on the value of your choice which will bring you back to the INSERT form.

Click on the button to get rid of any field data entered and start your insert from scratch again.

The VIEW form displays information which you can then update or delete.Update any field you like, possibly using List of Values and then click on the button.

Clik on the button to suppress the record from the database. You will be asked for confirmationbefore CFU proceeds.