CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research
E-Recruitment Tool



Currently, more than 6000 applications on paper form are received per year at CERN in four main recruitment programs .

E-Recruitment (E-RT), implementing Hazelweb's iCams software, is provided at CERN in order to offer on the Web a convivial and user friendly interface with a great deal of interactivity with potential candidates and CERN users. These new methods for recruiting is an opportunity to open contact with candidates and establish a link with them.

Candidates can apply either for a specific position or spontaneously.

With E-RT, once an application has been entered, the system processes the applications through various steps.

The system is flexible enough to support the recruitment processes of all recruitment programs at CERN ( staff, fellow, student and paid associate programs).

The system supports communication between all parties (divisions, supervisors, HR etc.) at CERN who are requested to give input or make decision on an application so as to speed up the recruitment process and ensure that it complies to CERN recruitment procedures.