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Work Unit (WU):
A Work Unit is synonym with activity, an element of work performed during the course of a project. A Work Unit consists of one or several resource assignments (RAs) that have a cost estimate or a manpower estimate and one or several deliverables (DEL). Each WU is attached to a single Project Breakdown Structure (PBS) code and a single Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) code. Each WU has a label and is managed by a WU holder.

Delivrables (DE):
Any measurable, tangible, verifiable outcome, result or item that must be produced to complete a project or part of a project. It is expressed in Units.

(click on the image)

Resource Assignment (RA):
The Resource Assignment is the resource necessary to realize the workunit. They can refer to labour (CERN staff, Industrial support), to overheads (duty travel, logistics,etc.) and to material. Resource Assignments referred to F contracts or an order in qualiac will be used in CET to forecast cash needs.

Project Breakdown Structure (PBS):
A structured inventory of all equipment, services and other activities which together define the LHC project during its conceptual and design phase. Not so useful for the time being as information has not been consistently entered.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):
A deliverable-oriented grouping of project elements that organizes and defines the total work scope of the project.

Level of Effort (LOE):
LOE workunits are (typically) used to spread overhead costs over time, when no clear deliverables can be directly assigned to the resource lines.
Many LOE workunits will thus not have deliverable lines (although they are allowed). To define a workunit as LOE, you suffix the workunit type with 'L' , e.g a workunit of type C would become type CL. Workunit holders will not be asked to do "progress reporting" on LOE workunits, since their Earned Value will be updated automatically on monthly basis, and set equal to the Planned Value, irrespective of what is filled in as actual quantity in the deliverable lines, if any. LOE workunits have to be used with caution and should not represent a high percentage of the planned value (refer to eg for more information).

To provide detailed information on Workunits, or to make modifications or delete information the button should be used once the relevant Workunits have been selected. The full Workunit file will be presented in an excel file allowing the command N (New), M (Modify) or D (Delete) to be inserted and the necessary changes made. See annotated example below:

  • New workunits: the "N"or "n" command should be entered in the cmd column, and the wu id should be left empty, all other relevant columns should be filled, and each resource and deliverable line should be preceeded with an "N"
  • Modified workunits: the "M" or "m" command should be entered in the cmd column of all Workunit lines where data is modified
  • Deleted workunits: the "D" or "d" command should be entered in the cmd column of the Workunit definition line only. All associated lines will automatically be deleted after the upload process.

The information will be uploaded to the database with comments that can be added. It is important to add comments here as they appear in the activity log and can be used to find a trace of what has been uploaded.