AIS Applications

Online Help


This new functionality allows to store all Workunits of interest to you into folders. Please take note that the root folder will always be 'My Folder'.
All workunits stored in your folders are automatically refreshed whenever a change is made to them.

How to store Workunits into folders

There are two ways to store Workunits under 'My folders': either manually or using the search parameters.

1) Manually
- manually select from your list of Workunits those you are interested in, just by ticking the box on the left of each workunit.
- then click on 'My Folders' icon

- you now get a pop-up window where you can create your new folder by giving it a name.
- then click on 'Create'. Your workunits are now stored in that folder.

You can always add new workunits to existing folders by selecting the new workunits, clicking on 'My folder' icon, selecting the folder from the pull-down list appearing in the upper part of the pop-up window and then clicking on 'update'.

To find your newly created folder, go to the tree structure menu on the left hand side of the screen and from the pull-down list choose 'My Folders'.


2) Using Search parameters
This option allows you to search for specific contracts, holders etc...

- Go to the search form and enter your search criteria (ex: F489)
- from the result, tick all the workunits appearing in the list
- Click on 'My Folders' icon

- you now get a pop-up window where you can only create a new folder.

When you visualise the content of your new folder, you will notice above your list of Workunits, a line refering to the current search parameters you have entered.

You can always add new search parameters using the search form and you can reset the folder as it was initially, by clicking on the link 'reset search parameters'.

If you wish to save these new parameters, you then must export and import the folder.


How to modify a folder or a folder parent's name

To rename your existing folder you can either delete it and start again or you can follow the steps below:

-choose the icon 'Export folders to excel' situated below your 'My folders' structure to export the folder into an excel file

- the modifications such as renaming the file, adding workunits id can then be entered in this excel file.

- save the file and then upload the excel file by choosing the corresponding icon.

- The renamed file will appear now
in your folder structure: